Friday, February 19, 2021

Comprehensive Sexuality Education EXPOSED: The Facts and Harmful Elements - Part 2/3


Watch the War on Children

11 Minutes Version 

35 Minutes Version

Get the Facts About CSE (2/2)

In  Part 1/3 CSE Facts & Harmful Elements Part 1/3 revealed Facts on What CSE Is, History and Agenda behind CSE, CSE violating parental Rights and CSE's Harm to children. Here we continue to get more facts

False Claims About CSE

Sexual rights advocates make astounding claims to support their promotion of comprehensive sexuality education programs to children throughout the world. One claim upon which many of the other false claims are based is that international law already mandates that children have the right to comprehensive sexuality education. In fact, the UN Special Rapporteur on “The Right to Education” made this false claim to the UN General Assembly and also claimed that CSE should teach children about eroticism among other things. The truth is that there is no binding international human rights instrument that grants children such a right.  Other alleged claims about CSE include that: 

  • It will prevent teenage pregnancy 
  • It will prevent sexually transmitted infections 
  • It will prevent HIV/AIDS
  • It will prevent coerced or unwanted sex 
  • It will prevent violence against women 
  • It will lift people out of poverty 
  • It will promote sustainable development by encouraging contraceptive use 
  • It will help with global warming
  • It will delay the onset of sexual debut
  • It will increase young people’s ability to make responsible decisions
  • It will enable youth to participate in society and exercise their human rights
  • It will increase critical thinking skills and overall educational achievement
  • I will increase a sense of self-efficacy and agency
  • It will increase a sense of sexual well-being and enjoyment 
  • It will increase gender equality between the sexes 


What government or parent wouldn’t want their children to receive CSE if it could do all this? However, all of these claims cleverly disguise the main purpose of CSE, which is rarely mentioned when it is promoted, and that is to change all the gender and sexual norms of society and advance controversial sexual rights to the rising generation.


Click here to see an African ministerial declaration on CSE that claims that CSE will solve many of the above problems. These ministers were likely manipulated by the UN agencies that hosted the conference where it was created, and the UN agencies may have even written the declaration for them.  

Why CSE is NOT Sex Ed

While there is not one universal definition of “comprehensive sexuality education” (CSE) and what it includes, CSE is a highly controversial, “rights-based” approach to sex education that encompasses a great deal more than just teaching children and youth about sexual intercourse and human reproduction. Developed in the West, primarily in the United States, CSE is now being implemented in most countries around the world.


Sexual education or “sex ed” is education that focuses on the human reproductive system and helps youth understand the changes their bodies experience during puberty. It is not uncommon for Sex Ed programs to include contraceptive or abstinence instruction.

Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is vastly different from standard sex-ed instruction.  Although CSE instruction will include most of the instruction covered by Sex Ed programs, it typically does not include abstinence education in any depth, and it will go much further using graphic materials and visuals that are sexually explicit in nature.


CSE is a “rights-based” approach to sexuality education and promotes sexual rights to children at the expense of their sexual health.


Comprehensive sexuality education programs seek to change society by changing sexual and gender norms and teaching youth to advocate for their sexual rights. Most CSE programs promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and enlist youth in combatting “homophobia” and “heterosexism.” These CSE programs have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure, instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways. Some programs even encourage sexual exploration for children as young as age five.


Planned Parenthood, one of the largest purveyors of sexuality education in the United States, explains on their website that sexuality education addresses “values exploration,” “safer sex,” “sexual attitudes and values,” “sexual orientation,” and “sexual pleasure.”


The following excerpts are from a presentation at a parallel event given during the UN Commission on the Status of Women in 2010 by Dr. Miriam Grossman, one of the foremost experts in the United States on sexuality education:

I’ve discovered that the vision of groups such as Planned Parenthood and SIECUS—the groups at the helm of sexuality education in the U.S.—is not sexual health. It is sexual freedom. These large and powerful organizations believe in sexuality that extends from cradle to grave. They tacitly endorse early sexual activity and multiple partners as well as sexual experimentation, which are the very behaviors that fuel the epidemics of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, abortion and emotional distress. 

Those people who practice the lifestyles endorsed by these groups have more doctors’ appointments, not less. . . . I’ve studied the history of sex education and one of the things you need to understand is that sex education is a social movement. Its goal is to change society. That was true 50 years ago when it began, and it’s still true. The objective is to change my society, and now, yours.


Quoting UNESCO’s “International Guidelines on Sexuality Education” Dr. Grossman stated,

 “One of the learning objectives [of sexuality education] is to “change social norms.” [Those who advocate for comprehensive sexuality education] envision a world without sexual taboos and restrictions—a world free of Judeo/Christian morality where each individual, regardless of age, should be free to make his or her own sexual choices . . . and no judgment [is] allowed … It’s an “anything goes as long as you use a condom” philosophy of sex education.”

In other words, comprehensive sexuality education is a recipe for sexual anarchy.


The false core philosophies upon which CSE programs which are harmful to children are based:


  • Children are naturally sexual from birth, therefore any restrictions on their sexual expression or sexual activity violates their sexual rights.


  • To have good health, children and adults alike should be having regular sexual experiences either alone (masturbation) or with persons of either gender.


  • A right to sexual pleasure, even at the youngest ages is a primary human right that trumps other rights.


  • Children have privacy and confidentiality rights that trump the rights of their parents to guide their education in the area of human sexuality.


  • Children have a right to abortion and other sexual services and commodities, sexual information, and to sexual relations without the knowledge and consent of their parents.


  • Most societal sexual and gender norms, especially those based in religious beliefs are repressive and unhealthy and should be changed.


  • Children have the right to experiment with diverse sexual identities and orientations and the behaviors associated with them in order to develop a healthy sexuality.


  • Youth are to be enlisted to combat “homophobia,” “transphobia” and “heterosexism” and to advocate for their sexual rights.


  • Youth should be involved in the design and implementation of CSE programs.


  • Children, under internationally recognized rights to health and education, have a right to all sexual information, uncensored and without parental consent.

How CSE is Disguised

Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) comes in many forms and can be disguised under the banners of: (this is not an exhaustive list)  
  • “comprehensive sex education” 
  • “sexual education” 
  • “sexuality education” 
  • “education, information or counseling on human sexuality” 
  • “comprehensive sexual health education, information or services” 
  • “ sexual and reproductive health training, education or information” 
  • “sexual health education or services” 
  • “HIV/AIDS prevention education” 
  • “life skills programs” 
  • “comprehensive education on human sexuality” 
  • “health and human rights education” 
  • “rights-based sexuality education” 


Great efforts are made to conceal the term “comprehensive sexuality education” and what it entails by using various formulations or changing it up a bit such as “comprehensive education on human sexuality.” However, all the formulations point back to the same thing—rights-based sexuality education for children for the purpose of indoctrinating them with regard to their alleged human right to sexual pleasure, pushing forward promiscuity, the LGBT agenda, and promoting abortion rights.


When laws are proposed calling for mandatory “evidence-based” or “medically accurate” sexuality programs, chances are that proponents of CSE are behind these laws as they usually claim that their programs are the only ones that are evidenced based or medically accurate. 


CSE programs often incorporate many positive, noncontroversial elements like decision-making skills, life skills training, anti-bullying, HIV/AIDS prevention, gender equality between men and women, etc. This makes it more likely that schools will adopt such programs since they take care of a number of needs in addition to sexuality education; thus, programs are adopted in many cases without parents or even school administrators carefully examining the whole curriculum.

CSE Contains Graphic Material

See the CSE Materials with their Harmful Analysis click here CSE Materials Index you will be shocked. 

 If you are in these African Countries or come from them, Please sign the Petitions below to protect our children from being warped and propagandized by the sexual Rights Activists

 1. Protect Ghana Children Petition

2. Protect Uganda Children Petition

3. Protect Children of South Africa Letter

4. Protect Kenya Children Petition

5. Protect Nigeria Children Petition

6. Protect Tanzania Children Petition

7. Protect Zambia Children Petition

8. Protect Namibia Children Petition

9. Protect Malawian Children Petition

10. Protect Rwanda Children Petition

11. Protect Ethiopia Children Petition

12. Protect Eswatini Children Petition!

Moreso, all of us can sign the International Petition by Clicking here International Petition to Stop CSE



2. Family Watch International

Alex Wesigye (

Pro-Life | Pro-Family | Pro-Israel | Pro-Religious Liberty

See CSE Exposed Part 1/3            

See CSE Exposed  Part 3/3


Comprehensive Sexuality Education EXPOSED: The Facts and Harmful Elements - Part 1/3


Watch the War on Children

11 Minutes Version 

35 Minutes Version

Get the Facts About CSE (1/2)

Advocates of comprehensive sexuality education programs claim that among other things, CSE programs will reduce teen pregnancy and STD infections and that they do not sexualize children.  However, as you explore this article, you can judge for yourself if these claims are true or whether the exact opposite may be true.

 What is Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)?


Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is one of the greatest assaults on the health and innocence of children. This is because unlike traditional sex education, comprehensive sexuality education is highly explicit and promotes promiscuity and high-risk sexual behaviors to children as healthy and normal. CSE programs have an almost obsessive focus on teaching children how to obtain sexual pleasure in various ways. Yet, ironically, comprehensive sexuality education programs are anything but comprehensive as they fail to teach children about all of the emotional, psychological and physical health risks of promiscuous sexual activity.  The ultimate goal of CSE is to change the sexual and gender norms of society, which is why CSE could be more accurately called “abortion, promiscuity, and LGBT rights education.” CSE is a “rights-based” approach to sex education and promotes sexual rights to children at the expense of their sexual health. 

The History & Agenda Behind CSE

One of the main goals of comprehensive sexuality education is to radically change the gender and sexual norms of society and to establish rights for children as sexually autonomous beings.  In order to fulfill these alleged sexual rights, activists claim that children must have unfettered access to “comprehensive” sexual information that leaves no sexual knowledge behind.   

 The following is a list of some of the core philosophies upon which CSE programs are based:

•  Children are naturally sexual from birth, therefore any restrictions on their sexual expression or sexual activity violates their sexual rights.

 •  To have good health, children and adults alike should be having regular sexual experiences either alone (masturbation) or with persons of either gender.

 •  A right to sexual pleasure, even at the youngest ages is a primary human right that trumps other rights. 

 •  Children have privacy and confidentiality rights that trump the rights of their parents to guide their education in the area of human sexuality.

 •  Children have a right to abortion and to sexual relations without the knowledge and consent of their parents.

 •  Most societal sexual and gender norms, especially those based in religious beliefs are repressive and unhealthy and should be changed.

 •  Children have the right to experiment with diverse sexual identities and orientations and the behaviors associated with them in order to develop a healthy sexuality.

 •  Youth are to be enlisted to combat “homophobia,” “transphobia” and “heterosexism” and to advocate for their sexual rights,

 •  Youth should be involved in the design and implementation of CSE programs.

 •  Children, under internationally recognized rights to health and education, have a right to all sexual information, uncensored and without parental consent.

 Where did all of these sexual philosophies and the “children are sexual from birth” concept come from? Who decided that the world’s children should have all of these sexual rights and should be taught about and encouraged to experiment with high-risk sexual acts?

The roots of the sexual rights revolution that spawned the comprehensive sexuality education movement can all be traced back to the fraudulent research led by one man—Dr.  Alfred Kinsey.

In 1947, Kinsey, now known as the father of the sexual rights revolution, founded the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University to conduct “research” into human sexuality. Kinsey set out to prove that children are sexual from birth and that promiscuous sexual behaviors of all kinds are prevalent in society among all ages and therefore are normal and healthy.

However, it is now widely known that Kinsey’s research was fraudulent. Based in part on interviews with incarcerated criminals, prostitutes and pedophiles, rather than normal, healthy members of society, Kinsey claimed his findings applied to the general population.  


One purpose of comprehensive sexuality education is the sexual liberation of children, which is not only lucrative, but it also coincides with political ideologies that have the aim of liberating children from their parents’ conservative or religious views regarding sexuality and indoctrinating them in a new worldview that coincides with various liberal political ideologies.

 The adults who are promoting CSE and sexual pleasure to children must first get access to them. These sexual rights activists must do so without the knowledge or consent of parents. Most parents are fundamentally opposed to their children engaging in sexual activity at a young age. Sexual rights activists are attempting to enact laws and policies that call for comprehensive sexuality education for children, youth or adolescents that include provisions seeking to grant young people autonomous rights to confidentiality, privacy, access to sexuality education programs, and freedom to express their sexuality.

 While these so-called rights may sound good when applied to adults, they have different and serious implications when applied to children. The questions that beg to be asked are, confidentiality from whom? And privacy from whom? The intent of those promoting CSE is to expose children to the sexuality programs without the knowledge or consent of their parents.

 The removal of parental consent laws, would severely undermine the ability of parents to raise their children as they see fit and to be aware of health-related services being provided to their children. This is a blatant violation of parental rights and weakens the ability of parents to protect their children from those who would seek to sexualize them.

 If the vast majority of parents understood what CSE programs contained, they would never allow their children to be exposed to them. So when sexual rights activists say “comprehensive,” they truly mean comprehensive, as anything and everything about sex can and will be taught under this banner.

 In order to protect children, we must protect the rights of parents to guide their children’s education including sexuality education.

  CSE is Harmful to Children

Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) has many highly controversial components that can be harmful to children.

Many CSE programs teach children about sex, sexuality, or sexual pleasure as young as age 5. World Health Organization (WHO) programs have CSE concepts targeting children from as early as 0 to 4 four years old.

The topics below are some of the most harmful concepts CSE programs promote to children.

 Harmful CSE Program Concepts:

         i.            CSE teaches children to masturbate.

       ii.            CSE encourages acceptance and exploration of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities

     iii.            CSE promotes high risk sexual behaviors (including anal and oral sex) and teaches they are safe.

     iv.            CSE promotes sexual pleasure and promiscuity as a right for children.

       v.            CSE promotes abortion as safe and without consequences.

     vi.            CSE encourages children to experiment sexually with individuals of their own sex or the opposite sex.

   vii.            CSE claims access to “comprehensive sexuality education” is a human right.

 viii.            CSE teaches children and youth they are sexual from birth.

     ix.            CSE promotes condoms to children without informing them of their failure rates.

       x.            CSE promotes disrespect for parents and religious and cultural values.

     xi.            CSE promotes sexual counseling, information or services to minors without parental consent.

   xii.            CSE trains children to advocate for their “sexual rights” in laws and policies.

  xiii.            CSE encourages “peer to peer” sexuality education.


 If you are in these African Countries or come from them, Please sign the Petitions below to protect our children from being warped and propagandized by the sexual Rights Activists

 1. Protect Ghana Children Petition

2. Protect Uganda Children Petition

3. Protect Children of South Africa Letter

4. Protect Kenya Children Petition

5. Protect Nigeria Children Petition

6. Protect Tanzania Children Petition

7. Protect Zambia Children Petition

8. Protect Namibia Children Petition

9. Protect Malawian Children Petition

10. Protect Rwanda Children Petition

11. Protect Ethiopia Children Petition

12. Protect Eswatini Children Petition!

Mores,  all of us can sign the International petition by Clicking International Petition to Stop CSE



2. Family Watch International

Alex Wesigye (

Pro-Life | Pro-Family | Pro-Israel | Pro-Religious Liberty

See CSE Exposed Part 2/3

See CSE Exposed Part 3/3