Friday, December 10, 2021

Contraceptives and Condoms for Children?

Children are already sexually active, so let’s give them Contraceptives and Condoms for ‘safe’ sex

 That’s a common Claim by those who are marketing their contraceptives and condoms to our children


Seriously? Really?


If children are indeed sexually active, that is an awful thing to hear. But would giving them contraceptives and condoms be of any help? If your child is smoking, do you encourage them to continue ‘safe’ smoking? If your child is stealing? Do you encourage him/her to do ‘safe’ stealing? If your child cheats exams, do you encourage him/her to do ‘safe’ cheating?

If a child is sexually active, that is poor parenting or parental failure and a disgrace to such a parent. In some African culture, if a daughter was not found to be a virgin, the Parents would be summoned and given hollow coins.

Children being sexually active is not a child’s issue, it is a parenting issue, failed parenting, Irresponsible Parenthood, some parents even go an extra mile to hire as many domestic workers as possible so as to neglect their children, Shame Upon such parents. There is family break down thus the need to fix the Parent not the Child.


Any child who sexually active is synonymous of these things; Absent Father, Polygamy family, Early exposure to Pornography, Exposure to explicit graphics, images or videos from the Media/TV e.g Schemes of Kissing, Caressing, Sex in Movies, Initiation by peers or some monstrous neighbors/relatives who even end up abusing them sexually.   There is need to deal with the root cause of the issue rather than the symptom. 


Exposing children to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), Contraceptives and Condoms turns the child’s condition from worse to worst.

The 2019 Global CSE Review by the Institute for Research and Evaluation Report revealed:

•             87% school-based CSE failure rate worldwide

•             89% CSE failure rate in Africa

•             Many CSE programs increased sexual risks (24% in Africa)


 Effects of Early/Child/Teen of Sexual Activity

A publication by  (Family Research Council in USA  revealed that

1- Out-of-wedlock pregnancy: Single mothers, especially teenaged single mothers, are much less likely to complete their education or achieve their career goals. They (and their children) are also much more likely to live in poverty. More than 6 in 7 teen births are to single girls, a circumstance which is a well-documented predictor for poverty. Just as condoms cannot provide complete protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), no contraceptive device or method can provide complete protection against unplanned pregnancies.

2- Sexually transmitted diseases: The effects of STDs can range from bacterial infections to death. The human papillomavirus (HPV) has been identified as the main cause of cervical cancer, which kills thousands of women each year. Other STDs like chlamydia can lead to infertility. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can cause AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), which can kill by weakening the body’s ability to fight other illnesses. Despite improved treatments which have extended the lifespans of many people with HIV or AIDS, thousands of Americans still die from HIV and AIDS every year.

3-Detrimental psychological effects: Sexually active teenagers are more likely to be depressed and attempt suicide. One 2013 study found that overall, adolescent females with no sexual partners were significantly less likely to report measures of poor mental health than those who have had one, two, or three or more sexual partners. Similarly, girls who reported three or more partners were significantly more likely to report sadness, suicide ideation, suicide plans, and attempts than those with fewer partners.

4-Lower academic achievement: Generally, sexually active teens have lower GPAs (Grades), more disciplinary problems, and were less likely to attend college. Compared with virgins, teens who have casual sex had lower GPAs (Grades), cared less about school and experienced more problems in school. Teens who have sex were at higher risk of being truant and dropping out compared with teens who don’t have sex. A number of studies have shown that teenagers who abstain from sex are more likely to graduate from high school and attend college than their sexually active peers.


As Christian Marriage Counselor, who conducts both Pre and Post Marital Counseling, we have had to take couples through a special prayer session to break soul ties and spirit spouses that come in their lives due to earlier fornication. Many marriages are in distress/broken due to unbroken soul ties and spirit spouses.


But do children really need Sexuality Education?

Prior to 1948 there was no formal concept of “sex” education. Child experts in the first half of the 20th century did not identify knowledge of sex and sexuality as a prime childhood need.  Theorists Jean Piaget, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, and B.F. Skinner concentrated on such individual and group skills as learning to reason, submitting to authority, moral thinking, task achievement, self-actualization, mutual cooperation, and social interaction as the child’s major developmental objectives.

Due to the introduction of sexuality Education by Alfred Kinsey, in the 1950s USA started facing many problems such as the rise in Single Parent Households, Rise of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Teens, rise of Birth rates for Unwed Girls, rise of pregnancies to unwed girls, rise of reports of child sexual abuse, Increase in school rapes, et.c


I conclude and say that according to the promoters of CSE, Contraceptives and Condoms, the Issue is not the issue, the issue is the sexual revolution; sexual Anarchy, Immorality=chaos=government needs to come in and rule over the people lead by just a few individuals=socialism =communism


For us who care about our children, let’s rebuild the family and preserve and restore the family moral fabric


 I welcome Well Researched and Objective Comments, and not emotional outbursts or hollow opinions