Monday, October 16, 2023

Should contraceptives be given to Adolescents?

In 2017, it came to light through the media (Monitor Newspaper headlines on February 9, 2017) that arrangements were being made to give 10 year olds contraceptives as a way of preventing teenage pregnancy, abortion and keeping girls in school. Efforts were called upon and we defeated the evil agenda.

In December 2021, Hon. Akello Lucy (Amuru WMP) laid three P.6 Science text books before the floor of Parliament, that taught pupils on Abortion and contraceptives.

On October 10 2023, the Daily Monitor Newspaper published a headline 'Girls to get birthcontrol from age 15 in new plan', 

Proponents of the sexual revolution have fronted Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRH(R)) i.e. Family Planning; contraceptives, condoms, abortion with a claim to curb Teen Pregnancy. "Children are already sexually active, so let’s give them Contraceptives and Condoms for ‘safe’ sex", is a common rhetoric in their aggressive marketing of their contraceptives and condoms to our children

 If children are indeed sexually active, that is an awful thing to hear. But would giving them contraceptives and condoms be of any help? If your child is smoking, do you encourage them to continue ‘safe’ smoking? If your child is stealing? Do you encourage him/her to do ‘safe’ stealing? If your child cheats exams, do you encourage him/her to do ‘safe’ cheating?

If a child is sexually active, it's a disgrace to such a parent. In some African culture, if a daughter was not found to be a virgin, the Parents would be summoned and given hollow coins. Children being sexually active is not a child’s issue, it is a parenting issue. 

Any child who sexually active is synonymous of these things; An absentee Father, Polygamous family, Early exposure to Pornography, Exposure to explicit graphics, images or videos from the Media/TV e.g Schemes of Kissing, Romance, Sex in Movies, Initiation by peers or some monstrous neighbors/relatives who even end up abusing them sexually. There is need to deal with the root cause of the issue rather than the symptom. 

Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE)[1] proponents downplay the harms of teenage sex. They teach that it’s okay for teens to have sex if risk reduction methods are used. Let’s explore what research shows:

STDs & HIV. Worldwide, young people aged 15–24 account for nearly one-half of all new HIV infections. Globally, more than 1 million new STD infections occur each day, and youth are especially vulnerable. The effects of STDs can range from bacterial infections to death. Prevalence estimates suggest that young people aged 15–24 years acquire half of all new STDs and that 1 in 4 sexually active adolescent females has an STD.

Education and Poverty.  Single mothers, especially teenaged single mothers, are much less likely to complete their education or achieve their career goals. They (and their children) are also much more likely to live in poverty. More than 6 in 7 teen births are to single girls, a circumstance which is a well-documented predictor for poverty. Just as condoms cannot provide complete protection against STDs, no contraceptive device or method can provide complete protection against unplanned pregnancies. e.g in the U.S Teen pregnancy is the highest among industrialized nations and especially high in minority populations. Teen pregnancy leads to lower education and higher poverty for single teen mothers, higher crime, addiction or teen pregnancy for their children, a self-repeating destructive cycle.

Emotional Harm and Violence. Detrimental psychological effects. Teenage sexual activity decreases emotional health (higher risk for depression, suicide, regret, etc.) and Leads to higher rates of dating violence. A teen pregnancy often brings emotional stress to both the girl and the boy involved, related to teen parenthood, limited education, poverty, adoption or abortion. Sexually active teenagers are more likely to be depressed and attempt suicide. E.g in the US, one 2013 study found that overall, adolescent females with no sexual partners were significantly less likely to report measures of poor mental health than those who have had 1, 2, or 3 or more sexual partners. Similarly, girls who reported 3 or more partners were significantly more likely to report sadness, suicide ideation, suicide plans and attempts than those with fewer partners.

Lower academic achievement. Generally, sexually active teens have lower GPAs, more disciplinary problems and were less likely to attend college. Compared with virgins, teens who have casual sex had lower GPAs, cared less about school and experienced more problems in school. Teens who have sex were at higher risk of being truant and dropping out compared with teens who don’t have sex. A number of studies have shown that teenagers who abstain from sex are more likely to graduate from high school and attend college than their sexually active peers.

The Economic Costs. The US CDC estimates that there are 20 million new annual STDs, 110 million total infections with a total of $16 billion in medical costs. STDs among teens incur $4.5 billion in tax-payer funded expenses annually. Taxpayers save up to $19,000 every time a teen chooses abstinence and avoids pregnancy and STDs, with the potential of a cumulative savings of $11 billion per year.

As Christian Marriage Counselor, who conducts both Pre and Post Marital Counseling, we have had to take couples through a special prayer session to break soul ties and spirit spouses that came in their lives due to earlier fornication. Many marriages are in distress/broken due to unbroken soul ties and spirit spouses.

Given the massive deleterious, economic and social effects of Teen Sex, the benefits of Sexual Purity cannot be downplayed.

I conclude and say that according to the promoters of CSE, Contraceptives and Condoms, the Issue is not the issue, the issue is the sexual revolution; sexual Anarchy, Immorality=chaos=government needs to come in and rule over the people lead by just a few individuals=socialism =communism 


  1. Protect Child Health Coalition, (2020). The Failure of Comprehensive Sexuality Education(CSE) and the Case for Abstinence Education What the Research
  2. Arina Grossu and Peter Sprigg, (2014). Sexual Risk-Avoidance Education. Family Research Council Policy Issue
  3. Why Not CSE? The 15 Harmful Elements