Monday, January 25, 2021

Youth Sexualisation at Play


 The Anti-Family Sexual Rights Activists doing their thing


This Advert is making rounds on Televisions, where two adolescents, a boy and a girl go for Family Planning services to a medical centre and were given contraceptives since December 2020. The advert is usually broadcasted on NTV during Prime Time, the News Break for NTV Akawungezi and NTV @9. It's also randomly played on NBS TV and Bukede TV among others.

 One of the concerned parent’s ordeal ( )

and then comes NBS TV news 

 On the Saturday 23 January 2021, during NBS @9 the News said that youth shunned Family Planning services due to lack of Privacy and Youth Corners at Heath centers. It featured interviews from Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU). Such kind of message is usually fronted by the sexual Revolution advocates. They aim at creating Children Autonomy and there by undermining Parents' Rights. They masquerade to care about our children than we the parents, yet the only thing they are about is making more sales from their Contraceptives products.  


 Such broadcasts   are aimed at Desensitizing our Children to sexual things, a Key Strategy used by the Anti-Family Sexual Rights Activitists globally.

 The message in the broadcasts is a component of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) which is one of the greatest assaults on the health and innocence of children. This is because unlike traditional sex education, comprehensive sexuality education is highly explicit and promotes promiscuity and high-risk sexual behaviors to children as healthy and normal. CSE programs have an almost obsessive focus on teaching children how to obtain sexual pleasure in various ways. Yet, ironically, comprehensive sexuality education programs are anything but comprehensive as they fail to teach children about all of the emotional, psychological and physical health risks of promiscuous sexual activity. 


Looking at the Harmful Concepts viz: 3, 4, 9, 10 and 11 ( ) , it's is evident that the TV adverts are promoting CSE. And thus the Broadcasts:

1. promotes high risk sexual behaviors

2. promotes sexual pleasure and promiscuity among adolescents

3. encourages adolescents to experiment sexually

4. promotes contraceptives to adolescents without informing them of their failure rates.

5.  promotes disrespect for parents and religious and cultural values.

6.  promotes sexual counseling, information or services to minors without parental consent.


Please note that CSE was banned by Parliament in August 2016. Thus such broadcasts are unlawful in our country


Using the CSE Harmful Elements Analysis Tool ( ),   findings reveal that the TV Advert:

1. Sexualizes Children. Normalizes child sex or desensitizes children to sexual things.

2. Promotes Sexual Pleasure. Encourages children to seek out sexual pleasure. 

3. Promotes Premature Sexual Autonomy. Teaches children they can choose to have sex when they feel they are ready or when they find a trusted partner. Fails to provide data about the well-documented negative consequences of early sexual debut. Fails to encourage sexually active children to return to abstinence.

4. Fails to Establish Abstinence as the Expected Standard. Fails to establish abstinence (or a return to abstinence) as the expected standard for all school age children.

5. Promotes Contraception to Children. Encourages the use of contraceptives, while failing to present failure rates or side effects

6. Undermines Traditional Values and Beliefs. Ecourages children to question their parents’ beliefs or their cultural or religious values regarding sex.

7. Undermines Parents or Parental Rights. Encourages children they have rights to confidentiality and privacy from their parents.  Teaches children about accessing sexual commodities or services, including contraceptives, without parental consent.


It is evident that the TV Advert contains [ 7 out of 15 ] of the harmful elements typically found in CSE curricula or materials. The presence of even one of these elements indicates that the analyzed materials are inappropriate for children. Having several of these elements should disqualify such Adverts on TVs.

 Parents arise, the 'Silent Majority' thing doesn't work here, especially when your children are being sexualised. 

Raise a public outcry, engage UCC 


Alex Wesigye


  1. I also as a parent condemn the advert as being a promotion to sexual inducement in minors before their time. I expect such education to be at Health centres for those who are already in marriage and need such services other than promoting it over media corrupting the minds of the innocent minors.
    Thank you.

  2. Thanks Alex, I have watched this from my living room, discussed it with household members and wondered how.our MOH even allowed such a disastrous advert to keep running.
    Yes, I will share and pray there will be a loud outcry against such going forward.
