Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Makerere University's Homosexual Strategy

 Makerere University through its Strategic Plan 2020-2030 aspires to advance Homosexuality. It's a common practice of Sexual rights activists to use Useful euphemism to insert their dangerous language in Public policies, and Makerere was no exception. The Useful Euphemism Strategy (re-label it with respectable nice-sounding words or phrases), is one of 10 Key Strategies Used by the Sexual Rights Activists.  

Some Problematic terms:

GOAL 3:  The objectives under this goal are(Page 17)

iv. To create an affirming and inclusive teaching, learning and research environment for gender and sexual diversities

vii. To review the composition of all institution-wide, college, school and departmental committees to ensure representation along gender lines and for other marginalised identities 

Gender The term “gender” was once used exclusively to describe biological sex (male and female) but is increasingly being used in UN documents to mainstream multiple controversial genders, such as transgender, bigender, pangender and evolved to encompass over 80-100Genders. See the Master List of Gender Diversities.  (Facebook recognizes over 50 genders.)

Gender and sexual diversities. Diversity can be a positive term that can be used to recognize people with diverse ethnic backgrounds and cultures, but it has also been co-opted by the LGBT movement. For example, at the UN, the phrase women in all their diversityhas been used as a euphemism to recognize lesbians, and the phrase “families in all their diversity” has been used as a euphemism to recognize LGBT families.

Other marginalised identities. Language calling for special protections for “vulnerable groups” is often intended to promote special rights and protections for LGBT people. Indeed, the term “vulnerable groups” has been used to reference “sex workers,” LGBT groups, or “sexual minorities.” The term “marginalized groups” is also used in the same way.

This is a call to Action to whoever can intervene to remove those problematic terms and replace them with Pro-Family language!!!

Click  Recommended Action

Monday, May 23, 2022

Homosexual Book Found in a Bookshop In Uganda

A parent went to Aristoc Bookshop in Kampala on Sunday May 15 2022 to buy story books for his children, another sense to him to look through what his children were reading, only to find a homosexual marriage of Uncle Mike & Mr. B. 

Below are extracts of some harmful elements (Homosexuality, Pornography, Divorce/Conditional Love...):


Pg 9: After all, Mr. Burnham will be a member of your family when he married your uncle Mike.

Pg 18: There'll be a dame- that's a boy dressed up as an old woman-and her two side chicks, Billy and Bobby...

Pg 29: Even though Uncle Mike and Mr. B had been going out for two years and had been engaged for six months, it still felt weird having a teacher in the house

Pg 32: Instead of having a Best man at the wedding, Uncle Mike and Mr B had asked Mum to be their best woman

Pg 41: "Are you OK?" Mum asked Emily the next morning as they drove to Langton Hall- the hotel where uncle Mike and Mr B were going to get married

Pg 42: "You're not OK, are you Em? I can tell something's bothering you.Are you worried about.... Mr B becoming your uncle?

Pg 51: Emily noded. "Do you think you'll get married again one day, mum?"... "Maybe", said mum... But for now we have another wedding to focus on". She pointed to a bright yellow car that was coming up the drive. "It looks like your uncle and uncle-to-be are here" Mr. B parked his car and jumped out along with uncle Mike

Pg 53: "We're here to meet with Cheryl, the wedding Organiser," said Mr B. He took uncle Mike's hand. "We're getting married next month." "Of course. Come with me," said the woman

Pg 57: "This is all just perfect!" exclaimed Mr B happily. "I'd have been happy with any wedding, small or big," said uncle Mike, looking at him.

Pg 58: They kissed. I am going to make sure uncle Mike and Mr B have the most perfect wedding day, she thought. 

Pg 103: Emily felt a warm rush as she saw Helena and Cora swap smiles. It was lovely to see they were getting on better now.

Pg 107: Sophie's eyes widened.  Mr B, I don't suppose you need some wardrobe supervisors for your wedding, do you?"

Pg 115: His phone rang. He checked it and smiled. "It's your uncle Mike."

P119: "There has to be something we can do," Emily's mum said, looking at uncle Mike and Mr B across the Kitchen table that evening. "Surely you don't have to cancel the wedding."

Pg 121: Couldn't you just get married in a registry office like I did? "...."Not with two hundred people invited, " said Mr B

Pg 123: Emily hated seeing her uncle and her uncle-to-be looking so upset. If only I could think of a place where they could get married, she thought longingly

Pg 125: But Emily didn't instead, she waved her phone,..... "I've got an idea!" She gasped. "I know where you can get married!" She said to uncle Mike and Mr B. "At school!" "School?" They both repeated. "Yes! In the hall! You said you wanted to get married in a big old hall,

Pg 130: "A wedding with a show choir!" exclaimed Mr B, grabbing uncle Mike's hands and kissing him. "Now, that really is my dream wedding!"

Pg 152: "How do I look?" Uncle Mike asked, coming down the stairs on the day of the wedding. He was dressed in a dark blue wedding suit...

Pg 156: But uncle Mike didn't seem to relax at all. He kept reading over the wedding vows he and Mr B had written to say at the ceremony

Pg 162: The guests broke into a round of applause as both grooms beamed happily at each other… Brenda welcomed them all and then checked no one had any objections to uncle Mike and Mr B getting married

Pg 163: .. Turning to give her a wink, he walked to the center of the stage and took Mr B's hand. "Alex," he said, clearing his throat. "The moment I first met you at the school summer fair, I wanted to get to know you better. I am so glad I did. You make me laugh, you encourage me, you challenge me, and you make me happier than I have ever been. I can't think of (Pg 165:) anything I want more than to spend my life with you. I promise I will always look after you, care for you, be there for you..." He continued confidently until he reached the end of his vows....Uncle Mike had done it,he had made his vows…

Pg 167: "Mr B and your uncle look incredibly (Pg 168:) happy together, " said Cora

Pg 172: "I'll go and check," said Emily. She headed over to where Mr B was standing next to her mum, with his arm around uncle Mike.

Pg 176:  Dave jumped to his feet, picked Emily's mum up and twirked her around. "You've just made me the happiest man alive!" "No, that's me," said Mr B, smiling at uncle Mike.


Pg 146: Emily froze as she stared at the people in the front row, but then she remembered Mr B's words. She pictured the audience sitting in their underwear and suddenly...

Pg 158: "He said if you are feeling scared you should just imagine all the the audience in their underwear."

Pg 163: Emily, who was standing beside uncle Mike, saw him swallow nervously. "Underwear," she whispered to him…..Emily, who was standing beside uncle Mike, saw him swallow nervously. "Underwear," she whispered to him. 

Divorce, Conditional Love:

Pg24: Emily's parents had divorced six years ago. Pg 49: (Reasons for divorce) "You know how messy and disorganized your dad is? It drove me mad", said mum

Pg 28: Her mum's boyfriend, Dave.... He and her mum had been going out for about three years...

Pg 33: Dave kissed her...


The book is Bridesmaids Club: Wedding Day Drama, authored by Posy Diamond. They’re a series of four Books i.e Bridesmaids Club (Beach Wedding Bliss, Big Bollywood Wedding, Fairytale Wedding Wish, Wedding Day Drama)

 I went to Aristoc Book Shop located next to Charm Towers, on Tuesday May 17 2022, and I was told that the books were out of stock and ‘we don’t plan to restock that particular tittle’.

Such Story Book is aimed at Desensitizing our Children to Homosexuality, one of 10 Key Strategies Used by the Sexual Rights Activists and a Key Strategy in the Homosexual Activists’ Game Plan. The message in the story book is a component of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH).

Before we go any further, it is critical that we differentiate between homosexual activists who are trying to force their lifestyle on others and homosexuals, who are not trying to force their lifestyle on anyone.

Homosexual activists are people who are pushing an agenda to change our society by changing our laws and values. They are literally seeking to destroy the traditional family. They promote the homosexual agenda, a calculated, well-planned, well-organized and well-financed effort to mainstream homosexuality into society by redefining marriage and family and indoctrinating our children about the homosexual lifestyle. The homosexual activists are not content simply to “live and let live.” They are the ones who are deliberately and aggressively attempting to destroy all of society’s sexual norms and the essential social institutions—such as marriage and the family—which uphold them.

Parents, Let’s Be Vigilant

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Ten Key Strategies Used by Sexual Rights Activists

  This is an Excerpt from the Book entitled Stand for the Family: The Family Defense Handbook by Sharon Slater,  Family Watch International and UN Family Rights Caucus

Ten Key Anti-Family Strategies Used by Sexual Rights Activists

If you watch the anti-family activists systematically implement their agenda at the international, national and local level, an obvious pattern emerges. Their strategies and tactics are very predictable. By understanding these  strategies, you will be better able to identify and counteract them.

1️ The Desensitization Strategye.g, the increase in public “Gay Pride” events in countries across the world and in people “coming out of the closet” to announce their homosexuality. Those promoting abortion have even gone so far as to wear T-shirts proclaiming “I had an abortion.” And prostitutes have organized themselves into political groups as “sex workers” to publicly promote their “work” as a legitimate profession.

The liberal media constantly use this strategy, regularly projecting sexually explicit images into our lives and gradually increasing their intensity, until many of us aren’t even aware of how far our own views have been changed

2️ Bypass the People StrategyAccording to the Bypass the People Strategy, if you can’t get your agenda passed by a legislature or by a vote of the people, use the courts. In bypassing the legislature or the vote of the people and taking your cause straight to the courts, you can save time and money. It’s much easier to convince a few judges to mandate your agenda.

Activists used this strategy to legalize abortion in the United States with the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. They succeeded even though the Constitution nowhere mentions abortion as a fundamental right, most states at the time had laws against abortion, and polls showed that the majority of Americans were against legalizing abortion. This strategy also was used by homosexual activists to legalize same-sex marriage by judicial mandate in Massachusetts, Connecticut, California and Iowa.

Another way to apply the Bypass the People Strategy is to get policies adopted in UN documents and then use the UN to pressure countries to change their laws.

3️ I’ll-Make-it-Mean-What-I-Want Strategy. If you can’t get what you want by popular vote, passing a law, finding a sympathetic judge, or by getting it included in a treaty or other UN document, you can always fill the entity implementing or enforcing relevant laws and regulations with your people. Then you can interpret a law to mean anything you want.

4️ Tsunami Strategy. Using the Tsunami Strategy, introduce a plethora of bills or proposals in a variety of venues so your opponents find it difficult, if not impossible, to keep track of and stop all of them. This happens at the UN, in Congress, and in state legislatures where anti-family provisions are often tacked onto a number of unrelated bills, resolutions or documents. Anti-family forces figure that if they introduce an idea enough times in enough variations, and in enough different venues, they eventually will win. And they often do. Activists using this strategy successfully passed a number of pro-homosexual bills in California.

5️ Name Calling and Discrediting StrategyIf you cannot defeat the message, attack the messenger. Call your opponents politically toxic names or otherwise discredit them. For example, label anyone who supports a moral issue an “extremist,” a “right wing radical,” or a “religious fundamentalist.” Brand anyone who believes that homosexual behavior is unhealthy or not good for society as “hateful,” “intolerant,” “homophobic,” “bigot” or a “Nazi.” Use “anti-choice” to label those who believe that taking the life of an unborn child is wrong. Finally, characterize opposing views or positions as “hate speech” or “unchristian.”

6️ Victim StrategyExisting laws in the United States already protect every individual (regardless of sexual orientation) from harassment and violence. Schools also have policies that protect students from being singled out and harassed.

Nevertheless, claims of persecution of homosexual students in schools are used to justify mandatory “tolerance” and “diversity” programs that teach open acceptance of and respect for homosexual behavior.

7️ Incremental StrategyE.g Legalizing sodomy set the stage for the adoption of a slew of other laws and policies that incrementally advanced the sexual rights agenda to the point that all California schools are required to promote homosexuality. The California legislature has passed a bill making it illegal for a therapist to treat a child with unwanted same sex attraction if the therapy is aimed at helping the child reorient to a heterosexual orientation

8️ Emotion StrategyIf you can’t win on the merits, strike an emotional chord, start crying or tell a sad story, and compassion will take over. This Emotion Strategy was used effectively at the UN during an HIV/AIDS conference in 2006, when, for the first time, an HIV-positive person was invited to speak to the entire UN General Assembly. The woman shared a heart-wrenching story about how she had been abused and infected with AIDS by a man and the tragic consequences she had experienced. She ended her speech demanding abortion rights for women and sexual rights for homosexuals. She received a standing ovation because she got everyone emotionally involved with her story—even though her experience had nothing to do with abortion or homosexuality.

9️ Call it a “Human Right” StrategyAt the UN, once something is labeled a human right it is considered sacred. The UN Human Rights Council monitors human rights abuses around the world. So part of the anti-family agenda is to get the UN Human Rights Committee to consider anything related to their agenda to be a “fundamental human right.” Then the Committee can help force that “right” upon the world even if it’s not specifically spelled out in a treaty.

🔟 Useful Euphemism StrategyIf the majority would object to your agenda, re-label it with respectable nice-sounding words or phrases. For example, call abortion a “choice” and pedophilia “intergenerational sex.” Pressure people into accepting your agenda in the name of “equality,” “tolerance,” “diversity,” “freedom” or “nondiscrimination.” This is one of the most common strategies, and thus it is important to understand.

Action-What You can do

  1. Learn to recognize these strategies in articles, editorials and in discussions with others on family issues. Point them out to those who are attempting to use them.
  2. Write letters to the editors of newspapers or comments in response to articles that appear on the Internet whenever you see family issues unfairly addressed using these strategies. The more readily you can identify these strategies, the more effectively you will be able to address them.

The Homosexual Activists’ Game Plan

 This is an Excerpt from the Book entitled Stand for the Family: The Family Defense Handbook by Sharon SlaterFamily Watch International and UN Family Rights Caucus

The Homosexual Activists’ Game Plan 

In their bestselling book titled After the Ball: How America will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the ‘90s, two homosexual activists outlined their strategy to mainstream and legitimize homosexuality in the United States:

1. Do not “draw attention to the gay sex habits that provoke public revulsion.”

2. Begin by portraying homosexuals as “victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to adopt the role of protector.”

3. Present homosexuals in the media as “wholesome and admirable by straight standards” so that they are “indistinguishable from the straights we’d like to reach.”

4. Desensitize people to homosexual issues by inundating the media with gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender messages.

5. Convert people to the belief that “gayness” is good by influencing “the average American’s emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of propaganda fed to the nation via the media.”

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Why The Promoters Of The EAC SRH Bill Can't Win

National Consultations were undertaken at the close 2021 in each State on the East African Community Sexual and Reproductive Health (EAC SRH) Bill 2021 and Public Hearings are scheduled for June 26 - July 3 2022.

Contrary to the Constitutions of each EAC Member state, Uganda (Article 22), South Sudan (Parts 11 and 21 (3)), Burundi (Article24), DR Congo (Article 16), Kenya (Part 26), Rwanda (Article 12) and Tanzania (Section14), the Bill in clauses 2 (d), 6 (3) (n), 16, 17 (1), 17 (2), 17 (3), 18 (1) seeks to legalize Abortion.  Life Begins at Conception and ends with natural death. The child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity needs appropriate legal protection before as well as after birth. Therefore, no legislation should promote any form of termination of life but rather seek to ensure the sanctity of Life.

The Bill, in clauses 6 (3) (b) , 6 (3) (h), 7 (1) , 7 (2) , 8,  9 (6) (a), 9(6)(d) Seeks to Legalize Comprehensive Sexuality Education, which according to stopCSE.orghas  Harmful Concepts such as teaching  children to masturbatehomosexuality ,  abortion,    condoms to children,    disrespect for parents and religious and cultural values among others.

 The Bill, in clauses 2 (a), 2 (b), 6 (1), 6 (2), 6 (3) (a), 6 (3) (i), 6 (3) (o), 9 (1), 9 (2), 9 (5) 10, 11 (1), 11 (2), 15 (1), 15 (2) (a), 27 (1), 27 (2), 28 (1), 28 (3), seeks to legalize Sexual and Reproductive Health, which according to (WHO, 2015) Sexual Health, Human Rights and the Law ,  has proved to be a trojan horse for Abortion, Homosexuality, Prostitution among others.

These concepts for Instance Homosexuality promoted by Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Sexual and Reproductive Health are not only contrary to our cultural and religious values but also to Constitutions of members, Uganda (articles 31 (1) and 31 (3)), South Sudan (part 15),  Burundi (Article 26), DR Congo(Article 40), Kenya (Part 48 (2)) and Rwanda (Article 17).  

Moreover, the Bill contravenes Article 49 (2) (a) of the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC  since the process is not in liaison with the National Assemblies of the Partner States.

From the foregoing, the wanainchi need to disregard and reject the contents of this Bill in total and appeal to the EALA not to let the bill be enacted in law.

To Sign the Petition to Stop the Bill, Click  Sign


1. The War on Children

2. Sexual & Reproductive Health (SRH) 

3. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Anti-Family Recommendations during Zimbabwe's UPR in January 2022


Zimbabwe’s human rights record were examined by the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group  on Wednesday 26, January, 9am-12:30pm CET in a meeting that was live on UN Web TV 

Here is a list of some Anti-Family Recommendations given to Zimbabwe to boost its human rights situation

140.58      Protect intersex minors from non-consensual surgeries and violations of bodily integrity (Iceland);

140.86      Guarantee to persons under 18 years of age the right to sexual and reproductive health information, education and services (Iceland);

140.90      Strengthen efforts to address violence against women, children and all persons on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity (Fiji);

141.5         Adopt the necessary measures to eliminate intersectional forms of discrimination against women and girls with disabilities, against lesbian, bisexual and transgender women and against intersex persons (Chile);

141.6         Eliminate any discriminatory measure against women, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex population and people with disabilities, and ensure and improve access to justice for these groups (Costa Rica);

141.7         Decriminalize sexual relations between consenting adults of the same sex by repealing section 73 of the Criminal Code and the Reform Act, 2006 (Iceland);

141.8         Decriminalize consensual adult same-sex relations and combat all forms of discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity (Italy);

141.9         Repeal all legal provisions that discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation and gender identity, particularly the criminalization of consensual sexual relations between adults of the same sex (Mexico);

141.10       Decriminalize relationships between consenting adults of the same sex and take the necessary measures to prevent and combat discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons (Spain);

141.11       Reaffirm its commitment to the principles of equality and non-discrimination, including by swiftly decriminalizing consensual sexual relations between same-sex adults (Uruguay);

141.12       Make progress regarding the necessary legislative measures to ensure the protection of the human rights of LGBTIQ+ people (Argentina);

141.13       Repeal all laws and policies discriminating against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons and amend laws to ensure that their rights and freedoms are safeguarded (Australia);

141.14       Adopt measures to make progress on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against people on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity (Germany);


Will  Zimbabwe accept or Reject them?

The Recommendations are be examined by Zimbabwe, which is expected to provide responses no later than the fiftieth session of the Human Rights Council in June 2022

This is a call to Action to whoever can intervene for the sake of our children!!!

Anti-Family Recommendations during South Sudan's UPR in January 2022

South Sudan’s human rights record were examined by the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group for the Second time on Monday 31, January, 9am-12:30pm CET in a meeting that was live on UN Web TV 

Here is a list of some Anti-Family Recommendations given to South Sudan to boost its human rights situation

113.68      Decriminalize sexual relations between consenting adults of the same sex by repealing article 248 of the Penal Code (Iceland);

113.69       Decriminalize consensual same-sex relations between adults (Italy);

113.70      End the criminalization of sexual acts between consenting adults of the same sex (Uruguay);

113.196     Provide age-appropriate sexuality education in all schools by 2025, in line with the commitment made at the Nairobi Summit on the International Conference on Population and Development (Iceland);

113.204    Improve access to health services, particularly in the area of sexual and reproductive health (Luxembourg);

113.33       Ratify the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Argentina) (Namibia);

Will  South Sudan accept or Reject them?

The Recommendations are be examined by South Sudan, which is expected to provide responses no later than the fiftieth session of the Human Rights Council in June 2022

This is a call to Action to whoever can intervene for the sake of our children!!!

Anti-Family Recommendations during Sudan's UPR in February 2022


Sudan's  human rights record were examined by the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group on Wednesday 9,  February, 9am-12:30pm CET in a meeting that was live on UN Web TV 

Here is a list of some Anti-Family Recommendations given to  Sudan to boost its human rights situation:

137.107    Pursue efforts to move towards the decriminalization of consensual same-sex relations between adults (Spain);

137.108    Make the necessary efforts to promote the elimination of discriminatory provisions that affect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons and put an end to the criminalization of sexual acts between consenting adults of the same sex (Chile);

137.109    Decriminalize consensual adult same-sex relations (Italy);

137.110    Decriminalize sexual relations between consenting adults of the same sex (Iceland);

137.236    Strengthen efforts to eliminate discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity, actual or perceived, in compliance with its human rights obligations (Fiji);

137.240    Carry out impartial investigations into all allegations of ill-treatment, persecution and extrajudicial killings based on sexual orientation or gender identity (Iceland);


Will Sudan accept or Reject them?

The Recommendations are be examined by Sudan, which is expected to provide responses no later than the fiftieth session of the Human Rights Council in June 2022

This is a call to Action to whoever can intervene for the sake of our children!!!

Anti-Family Recommendations during Togo's UPR in January 2022


Togo’s human rights record were examined by the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group on Monday  24, January, 9am-12:30pm CET in a meeting that was live on UN Web TV 

Here is a list of some Anti-Family Recommendations given to Togo to boost its human rights situation

119.32 Enact reforms to eliminate all forms of discrimination, including gender discrimination, and reform the Criminal Code in order to decriminalize consensual sexual acts between adults of the same sex (Mexico);

119.38 Amend the Criminal Code to decriminalize sexual relationships between consenting adults of the same sex, and prohibit all forms of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (Portugal);

119.44 Repeal the provisions of the Criminal Code that criminalize consensual relationships between adults of the same sex (Spain);

119.46 Decriminalize same-sex consensual relations to protect the human rights of all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland);

119.56 Introduce legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression (Canada);

119.69 Decriminalize homosexuality by amending the Criminal Code (Luxembourg);

119.70 Take measures to protect sexual minorities from all forms of violence and marginalization (Slovenia);

119.71 Decriminalize sexual relations between consenting adults of the same sex and adopt comprehensive legislation that clearly prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics (Iceland);

119.72 Strengthen its policy to address gender equality and the elimination of discrimination based on sexual orientation (Timor-Leste);

119.73 Reaffirm its commitment to the principles of equality and non-discrimination, including through the prompt decriminalization of sexual relations between same-sex consenting adults (Uruguay);

119.74 Take all necessary measures to guarantee the protection of people who are discriminated against on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and of the organizations that defend them (Argentina);

119.75 Decriminalize consensual same-sex relations (Australia);

119.76 Make the necessary efforts to strengthen laws to ensure that sexual orientation and gender identity are included among the grounds for the prohibition of discrimination, in order to avoid impunity for acts of discrimination based on them (Chile);

119.77 Effectively combat all forms of discrimination, including those based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and decriminalize same-sex relations (France);

119.79 Decriminalize consensual adult same-sex relations and combat discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (Italy);

119.108    Strengthen efforts to address violence against women, children and against all persons on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity, including measures to prevent violence and support survivors, as well as by removing obstacles that prevent access to justice (Fiji);

119.145    Adapt regulations to ensure access to sexual and reproductive health services and comprehensive sexuality education for men, women, girls and boys across the country (Luxembourg);

119.151    Ensure universal and safe access to abortion and the right to other sexual and reproductive health services (Iceland);

119.151    Ensure universal and safe access to abortion and the right to other sexual and reproductive health services (Iceland);


Will  Togo accept or Reject them?

The Recommendations are be examined by Togo, which is expected to provide responses no later than the fiftieth session of the Human Rights Council in June 2022

This is a call to Action to whoever can intervene for the sake of our children!!!

Monday, May 9, 2022

Human Rights Gone Awry: A Case of Uganda’s UPR in January 2022

Uganda’s human rights record were examined by the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group for the third time on Thursday, 27 January, in a meeting that was webcast on UN Web TV.

 See some recommendations given to Uganda to boost its human rights situation:

125.76      Decriminalize consensual adult same sex relations (Italy);

125.77      Enhance training of law enforcement officers on basic human rights, also in relation to combatting discrimination against LGBTIQ persons. This should be regular, systematic and in the curriculum of law enforcement trainings (Malta);

125.78      Redouble efforts to ensure compliance with the law that prohibits violent acts against LGBTI persons (Mexico);

125.79      Protect and promote the human rights of all persons without discrimination on any grounds, including sexual orientation and gender identity, and decriminalises same-sex conduct (Norway);

125.80      Strengthen efforts in the fight against HIV/AIDS, including towards the elimination of remaining stigma and discriminatory attitudes and practices that prevent access to and use of sexual and reproductive health and rights services, including by girls and LGBTI persons (Portugal);

125.81      Decriminalize homosexuality and make every effort to prevent discrimination against sexual minorities (Portugal);

125.82      Decriminalize consensual relationships between adults of the same sex, through the reform of article 145 of the Penal Code (Spain);

125.83      Ensure respect for the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex persons, including by ending the use of forced anal examinations on them (United States of America);

125.84      Reaffirm its commitment to the principles of equality and non-discrimination, including through the prompt decriminalization of consensual sexual relationships between adults of the same sex (Uruguay);

125.85      Decriminalize same-sex relationships, repealing all laws that discriminate against LGBTIQ+ people, and ensure accountability for all crimes and human rights abuses perpetrated on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity (Argentina);

125.86      Repeal all sections of the Penal Code that criminalise consensual same-sex relations between adults, and protect LGBTI persons from violence and hate speech (Australia);

125.87      Decriminalize same-sex relationships and prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (Luxembourg);

125.88      Take measures to end discrimination and persecution against LGBTI persons by repealing discriminatory legislation; investigating and prosecuting incidents of police violence, arbitrary arrest and detention targeting LGBTI persons; and recognizing the full legal equality of LGBTI persons, including in marital and family matters (Canada);

125.89             Guarantee the rights and protection of LGBTQ+ people, including decriminalizing sexual relations between same-sex and providing redress mechanisms for victims of hate crimes (Chile);

125.90      Implement additional measures aimed at promoting equal rights before the law for LGTI people (Dominican Republic);

125.91       Repeal norms on “crimes against nature”, which lead to discrimination against LGBTQI people (Ecuador);

125.92      Take all measures to combat violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, including by decriminalizing sexual relations between persons of the same sex (France);

125.93      Decriminalize sexual relations between consenting adults of the same sex (Iceland);

125.94      Protect LGBTI+ persons’ rights by repealing sections 145, 146, 148 of the Penal Code, reviewing the Sexual Offences Bill to prevent further criminalisation of consensual same-sex relations, and enhancing training of law enforcement on human rights (Ireland);

125.203    Provide safe abortion services for women and girls, and legal protection for victims of sexual and gender-based violence (Iceland);

 Are these Human Rights or Human Wrongs? Will Uganda accept or Reject them? The response of Uganda to those recommendations will be included in the outcome report adopted by the Human Rights Council at its fiftieth session in June 2022. 

This is a call to Action to whoever can intervene for the sake of our children!!!

More: Full list of Anti-Family Recommendations