Monday, May 1, 2023

When the Perpetrator plays the Victim

Rhetoric from the pro-homosexual activists is nearly always couched in terms of victims and oppressors.

Homosexuals cast themselves as a united coalition of sexual minorities who must band together against a common oppressor or be killed or harmed. The “oppressor” is the “homophobic” majority, which they separate in two groups: (1) hate-filled religious fanatics and other bigots, and (2) those who go along with “homophobic” attitudes out of ignorance.  

The reason for accusing opponents of hating them is first, to put the opponents on the defensive, which gives them a psychological advantage in fighting for control of the culture, second to create sympathy and gain allies among non-homosexuals (especially young people), and third to preserve their own political unity by perpetrating a climate of fear among their members.

Homosexual activist organizations seek to recruit all young people to be their allies by styling themselves as victims needing protection. They take advantage of the humanitarian idealism of teenagers and young adults who are too immature to recognize that they are being manipulated.

It is not surprising that the same strategy has been deployed to derail Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2023.


Amnesty Provision for Homosexuals?

Are homosexuals some sort of political rebels?

Wouldn’t that be a scape goat for most perpetrators?

Who is going to run/fund the so called Rehabilitation centers for ‘repented’ perpetrators?  Won’t they turn into some sort of perpetrators’ safe haven, where they continue from where they stopped? How will government ensure that the so called rehab centres won’t be funded/run by the same pro-homosexual NGOs that have been recruiting and sexually exploiting our minors through homosexuality?

Would that serve justice to a victim of aggravated homosexuality who suffers a disability, a mental illness, a killer disease, long-term illness or medical condition as a result of the abuse?

Won’t rapists and defilers among other criminals also demand the same sort of ‘repenters’ special treatment?

So what happens if such a perpetrator repeats the same criminal act, is Government going to adopt CHRIST JESUS’ model of 77 times of forgiveness?

Wouldn’t it be fair that the perpetrators face the due penalty for their actions? While the religious institutions and professional counselors support them while they are serving their sentence?

 It is my prayer that the government of Uganda does not fall victim/prey to the well calculated and cynical tactic of being manipulated by the homosexual sophistry

See also Are Homosexuals Being Persecuted in Uganda?