Friday, January 29, 2021

Are Homosexuals Being Persecuted in Uganda?




But are Homosexuals really being Persecuted?

 Sharon Slater, in her book, The Family Defense Hand Book: Stand for the Family, clearly articulates 10 Key Strategies used by the Anti-Family Sexual Rights Activists.  She remarked that ‘‘If you watch the anti-family activists systematically implement their agenda at the international, national and local level, an obvious pattern emerges. Their strategies and tactics are very predictable. Along with the Desensitization Strategy, by understanding these other strategies, you will be better able to identify and counteract them.’’


 Looking at the above Tweet, let me highlight 2 of the strategies

 1. The Victim Strategy

 I call it ‘play the Victim’. This Victim Strategy has been well used in USA.   Sharon notes that

‘‘Existing laws in the United States already protect every individual (regardless of sexual orientation) from harassment and violence. Schools also have policies that protect students from being singled out and harassed. Nevertheless, claims of persecution of homosexual students in schools are used to justify mandatory “tolerance” and “diversity” programs that teach open acceptance of and respect for homosexual behavior. 

The media have sensationalized accounts of people being attacked allegedly because of their sexual orientation. Yet, in some of these cases, the media later has had to reexamine their initial assertions. The most famous example of this is the Matthew Shepard case. He was cruelly beaten, tortured, and eventually died. Shepard’s friends spread the word that Mathew was openly gay and that the crime likely was motivated because of his lifestyle. The media portrayed this as a bigoted attack on a homosexual. 

Proposed “hate crimes” legislation in Congress has been named after Shepard and a high school play about him that promotes homosexuality is performed in schools across the nation. However, in re-examining the case years later, ABC News and others concluded that it likely was not a hate crime and that drug use and a desire for money, rather than a hatred of homosexuality, had been the motive for the attack. The lead investigator, former police detective Ben Fritzen, also believed robbery was the primary motive.

In brief, we should condemn any acts of violence against anyone, but to automatically portray every attack on a homosexual as homophobic is misleading and creates unjustified support for laws, policies and programs that promote homosexuality.’’

 That can be well found in the Tweet and the well scripted questions used in the CNN interview. And Bravo to whoever guide the President in the responses.


2. Emotion Strategy

Here the activists can’t win on the merits, then they strike an emotional chord, start crying or tell a sad story, and compassion will take over.

 Sharon notes that ‘‘This Strategy was used effectively at the UN during an HIV/AIDS conference in 2006, when, for the first time, an HIV-positive person was invited to speak to the entire UN General Assembly. The woman shared a heart-wrenching story about how she had been abused and infected with AIDS by a man and the tragic consequences she had experienced. She ended her speech demanding abortion rights for women and sexual rights for homosexuals.

She received a standing ovation because she got everyone emotionally involved with her story—even though her experience had nothing to do with abortion or homosexuality.’’


Can you imagine?

 Referring to the Question , No one is persecuting the LGBT people in Uganda.  It is just a strategy, a well calculated move.

Do not be deceived. Do not be caught unawares

But who is behind all this? 

It is critical to differentiate between homosexual activists who are trying to force their lifestyle on others and homosexuals who are not trying to force their lifestyle on anyone. 

 Homosexuals are people who experience same-sex attraction and who may or may not act on that attraction. Not all homosexuals, including some of those who choose to engage in homosexual sex, support the homosexual agenda. 

 Some homosexuals who act on their same-sex attraction openly and honestly admit that their lifestyle is not healthy, but they choose it anyway. Others have sought therapy and have successfully reoriented to heterosexuality, and some are even working to protect traditional marriage and the family. 

In contrast, homosexual activists are people who are pushing an agenda to change our society by changing our laws and values. They are literally seeking to destroy the traditional family. Homosexual activists promote the homosexual agenda, which is a calculated, well-planned, well-organized and well-financed effort to mainstream homosexuality into our society by redefining marriage and family and indoctrinating our children about the homosexual lifestyle. 

We can genuinely care about homosexuals and value them as individuals and still oppose the “homosexual agenda” which is not only harmful to society, but which is also harmful to homosexuals 

The homosexual activists are the ones who are not content simply to “live and let live.” They are the ones who are deliberately and aggressively attempting to destroy all of society’s sexual norms and the essential social institutions—such as marriage and the family—which uphold them. 


 But should we care? Why should we oppose these Activists?

 Research (NARTH), has proven that homosexuals (mainly the male representatives) have much greater prevalence of pathology than the general population. This has been proven true in several areas, 

 including the following:

• Suicidal risk-taking in unprotected sex

• Violence

• Antisocial behavior

• Substance abuse

• Suicidality

• Promiscuity

• Paraphilias

• Being paid for sex

• Sexual addiction

• Personality disorders

• Psychopathology


With regard to women who choose the lesbian lifestyle, NARTH reported:

Lesbians have much greater problems than their heterosexual counterparts, particularly in health issues. Findings from a national survey of approximately 1,925 lesbians, the largest to date, revealed that over 50 percent had considered suicide and 18 percent had attempted suicide; 37 percent had been physically abused; 32 percent had been raped/sexually attacked; and 19 percent had been in incestuous relationships. Almost one-third used tobacco daily and about 30 percent drank alcohol more than once a week.”

 Consider these disturbing statistics regarding homosexual men: 

• A study of homosexual and bisexual men published in the Journal of Sex Research found that the average number of sexual partners was 755.2. Some had had thousands of partners.

 • In a study of 2,583 homosexuals also published in the Journal of Sex Research, an evaluation of the older homosexual men found that “the modal range for number of male sexual partners ever was 101-500.” Between 10.2 percent and 15.7 percent had more than 1,000 sexual partners.

 • Even though homosexuals represent a very small percentage of the U.S. population150 (the widely accepted number based on a recent survey by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is 1.6 percent identify as homosexual and 0.7 percent as bisexual151), about a third of child sexual abuse cases involve homosexuals.

 • A study in Canada showed that life expectancy of young adult homosexual and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men. The researchers estimated that if the trend were to continue, nearly half of homosexual and bisexual men who were 20 years old at the time of the study likely would not live to the age of 65 years.

 Increasing research in the United States and around the world documents the physical and mental health problems that are more prevalent among those in the homosexual lifestyle than among the general heterosexual population. For example: 

• A university-supported nationwide survey in Australia found that homosexuals fared much worse than heterosexuals on a wide range of health and wellbeing issues.

 • The World Health Organization reports that HIV infection rates are “exploding” among homosexuals worldwide.

 • Both the British government  and the U.S. government report alarming increases in the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases including syphilis among homosexuals in their countries.

 • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also found in a research survey that homosexual men are significantly more likely to be victims of intimate partner sexual violence.

 • An Australian study of suicides found that, rather than family rejection and other causes commonly claimed, it was the stress of relationship problems, which occur at a higher rate among same sex couples, that was the predominant cause of the higher homosexual suicide rate.


Many homosexual activists claim these negative statistics that correlate with their lifestyle are caused by societal rejection of homosexuals and that if same-sex marriage is legalized and homosexuality mainstreamed throughout society that these negative statistics will disappear. However, in countries where same-sex marriage is legalized and the homosexual lifestyle is more widely accepted, there is no evidence that any of these negative statistics have decreased. This indicates that these negative outcomes are likely caused by the lifestyle itself, rather than societal disapproval of homosexuality.

• A university-supported nationwide survey in Australia found that homosexuals fared much worse than heterosexuals on a wide range of health and wellbeing issues.

 • The World Health Organization reports that HIV infection rates are “exploding” among homosexuals worldwide.

 • Both the British government156 and the U.S. government report alarming increases in the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases including syphilis among homosexuals in their countries.

 • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also found in a research survey that homosexual men are significantly more likely to be victims of intimate partner sexual violence.

 • An Australian study of suicides found that, rather than family rejection and other causes commonly claimed, it was the stress of relationship problems, which occur at a higher rate among same sex couples, that was the predominant cause of the higher homosexual suicide rate.


 What Would Compel You to Stand for Traditional Family Structure?

The institution of man/woman marriage:

• Channels sexual relations in a manner that provides the greatest benefit to individuals and society.

• Helps men live more responsibly and productively.

• Transforms men into husbands/fathers and women into wives/mothers.

• Binds potential parents together to raise the biological children they create.

• Legally binds fathers to their biological children. (Mothers are always present at birth, but not so with fathers.)

• Provides the optimal environment in which to raise children.

• Generates the best outcomes in the areas of health, wealth and overall happiness for men, women and children.


Outcomes According to Family Structure

  When compared to heterosexual men, men who engage in homosexual behavior:

• experience a significantly higher rate of domestic violence with their partners.

• are up to seven times more likely to attempt suicide.

• have a lower life expectancy by 20 to 30 years.

• have an incidence of HIV/AIDS that is up to 430 times higher.

• have three times the number of drug and alcohol dependencies.

• are significantly more promiscuous, with very few maintaining fidelity.

• are more than twice as likely to have an STD.

• are significantly more likely to engage in pedophilia.

• are much more likely to have mental and emotional disorders/illnesses.

• are at higher risk of deliberate self-harm


When compared to heterosexual youth, youth who engage in homosexual behavior:

• are at increased risk of suffering major depression and generalized anxiety disorder.

• are associated with more school and runaway problems.

• are more likely to attempt suicide.

• experience a much higher rate of alcoholism.

• are more likely to engage in substance abuse.

• are more likely to engage in high-risk sexual behavior.


When compared to heterosexual women, lesbian women:

• are significantly more likely to be victims of domestic violence.

• experience a much higher rate of sexual coercion by their partner.

• are more likely to use drugs and alcohol

• have a significantly higher risk of developing general anxiety disorder.

• are twice as likely to attempt suicide.

• are at higher risk for breast cancer.

• are at higher risk of deliberate self-harm

 Due to limited space I have left out findings from a purely economic perspective, there are enormous tangible costs to society that emanate from family breakdown Thus  by safeguarding the vital institutions of marriage and family, governments could save millions, if not billions, of dollars annually


 Source: Family Defense Handbook-Stand for the Family ~ Sharon Slater

Available at

I Stand For The Family, Will You?

Alex Wesigye

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