Thursday, February 28, 2019

#10: Governing Oneself

#10:  Governing Oneself

A wise man has said: “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
We have witnessed that it takes more than a change in government to change a nation. What does it take to build a free, just, prosperous and compassionate nation?

What does the wise man’s quote above tell us about where the building of a godly nation begins? Explain!
A wise man once said, “A man cannot govern a nation if he cannot govern a city; he cannot govern a city if he cannot govern his family; and he cannot govern a family unless he can governhimself.
Free, just, prosperous nations require citizens - from the president to the street vendor, from the rich to the poor -- who govern themselves.   Who behave justly and honorably—even when no one is watching. Who provide for their families and serve their communities.  Who do good to their neighbors— even their enemies.
Without such self-governing internal character, chaos and then tyranny will inevitably result.
Do you have the quality of character required for freedom? Ultimately it comes down to each of us. If our lives are characterized by selfishness, greed and fear more than by compassion, generosity and hope, the inevitable result will be broken relationships, broken communities, and broken nations. 
So this is the question: Can we change? Can we be who the Creator calls us to be?
Yes, change is possible. There is hope. But we cannot change our deepest character on our own. We need help from someone stronger and better than us—someone who is completely good. Such help is available, and it is free. It is closer than you think.

Credit: Disciple Nations Alliance and Harvest Foundation

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