Wednesday, February 20, 2019

#2: The Law Is King

#2: The Law Is King

It is not the king (or president, prime minister, or emperor) who is king, the law is king. Free, just, prosperous and compassionate nations are not ruled by men, but by the rule of law.  

What is meant by the term rule of law?

How does the rule of law differ from the rule of man?

What is civil disobedience?

When is it morally right to break a law?

God alone is sovereign over the universe. Neither government leaders, individual citizens, nor religious leaders are sovereign. God has established a moral law that applies to all peoples in all times. This law is summarized in God’s Ten Commandments. Free, just, and prosperous nations are built upon the foundation of this eternal law from God. Because this moral law comes from God, it is the highest authority in the land.
All people, even political rulers, are under it, and accountable to it. This is the rule of law as opposed to the rule of men. Without this God-ordained moral foundation, those who hold political power can arbitrarily change laws protect their power and favor the interests of their clan or tribe. Rulers are unaccountable, and tyranny is the result.
Citizens of free, just, and prosperous nations respect governing authorities and abide by the laws they establish. But they also understand that God’s moral law is more fundamental. If those in authority create laws that violate God’s moral law, then citizens must practice “civil disobedience’’. They must obey God’s law first, and be willing to face punishment for violating unjust laws.

Credit: Disciple Nations Alliance and Harvest Foundation

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