Friday, December 10, 2021

Contraceptives and Condoms for Children?

Children are already sexually active, so let’s give them Contraceptives and Condoms for ‘safe’ sex

 That’s a common Claim by those who are marketing their contraceptives and condoms to our children


Seriously? Really?


If children are indeed sexually active, that is an awful thing to hear. But would giving them contraceptives and condoms be of any help? If your child is smoking, do you encourage them to continue ‘safe’ smoking? If your child is stealing? Do you encourage him/her to do ‘safe’ stealing? If your child cheats exams, do you encourage him/her to do ‘safe’ cheating?

If a child is sexually active, that is poor parenting or parental failure and a disgrace to such a parent. In some African culture, if a daughter was not found to be a virgin, the Parents would be summoned and given hollow coins.

Children being sexually active is not a child’s issue, it is a parenting issue, failed parenting, Irresponsible Parenthood, some parents even go an extra mile to hire as many domestic workers as possible so as to neglect their children, Shame Upon such parents. There is family break down thus the need to fix the Parent not the Child.


Any child who sexually active is synonymous of these things; Absent Father, Polygamy family, Early exposure to Pornography, Exposure to explicit graphics, images or videos from the Media/TV e.g Schemes of Kissing, Caressing, Sex in Movies, Initiation by peers or some monstrous neighbors/relatives who even end up abusing them sexually.   There is need to deal with the root cause of the issue rather than the symptom. 


Exposing children to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), Contraceptives and Condoms turns the child’s condition from worse to worst.

The 2019 Global CSE Review by the Institute for Research and Evaluation Report revealed:

•             87% school-based CSE failure rate worldwide

•             89% CSE failure rate in Africa

•             Many CSE programs increased sexual risks (24% in Africa)


 Effects of Early/Child/Teen of Sexual Activity

A publication by  (Family Research Council in USA  revealed that

1- Out-of-wedlock pregnancy: Single mothers, especially teenaged single mothers, are much less likely to complete their education or achieve their career goals. They (and their children) are also much more likely to live in poverty. More than 6 in 7 teen births are to single girls, a circumstance which is a well-documented predictor for poverty. Just as condoms cannot provide complete protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), no contraceptive device or method can provide complete protection against unplanned pregnancies.

2- Sexually transmitted diseases: The effects of STDs can range from bacterial infections to death. The human papillomavirus (HPV) has been identified as the main cause of cervical cancer, which kills thousands of women each year. Other STDs like chlamydia can lead to infertility. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can cause AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), which can kill by weakening the body’s ability to fight other illnesses. Despite improved treatments which have extended the lifespans of many people with HIV or AIDS, thousands of Americans still die from HIV and AIDS every year.

3-Detrimental psychological effects: Sexually active teenagers are more likely to be depressed and attempt suicide. One 2013 study found that overall, adolescent females with no sexual partners were significantly less likely to report measures of poor mental health than those who have had one, two, or three or more sexual partners. Similarly, girls who reported three or more partners were significantly more likely to report sadness, suicide ideation, suicide plans, and attempts than those with fewer partners.

4-Lower academic achievement: Generally, sexually active teens have lower GPAs (Grades), more disciplinary problems, and were less likely to attend college. Compared with virgins, teens who have casual sex had lower GPAs (Grades), cared less about school and experienced more problems in school. Teens who have sex were at higher risk of being truant and dropping out compared with teens who don’t have sex. A number of studies have shown that teenagers who abstain from sex are more likely to graduate from high school and attend college than their sexually active peers.


As Christian Marriage Counselor, who conducts both Pre and Post Marital Counseling, we have had to take couples through a special prayer session to break soul ties and spirit spouses that come in their lives due to earlier fornication. Many marriages are in distress/broken due to unbroken soul ties and spirit spouses.


But do children really need Sexuality Education?

Prior to 1948 there was no formal concept of “sex” education. Child experts in the first half of the 20th century did not identify knowledge of sex and sexuality as a prime childhood need.  Theorists Jean Piaget, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, and B.F. Skinner concentrated on such individual and group skills as learning to reason, submitting to authority, moral thinking, task achievement, self-actualization, mutual cooperation, and social interaction as the child’s major developmental objectives.

Due to the introduction of sexuality Education by Alfred Kinsey, in the 1950s USA started facing many problems such as the rise in Single Parent Households, Rise of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Teens, rise of Birth rates for Unwed Girls, rise of pregnancies to unwed girls, rise of reports of child sexual abuse, Increase in school rapes, et.c


I conclude and say that according to the promoters of CSE, Contraceptives and Condoms, the Issue is not the issue, the issue is the sexual revolution; sexual Anarchy, Immorality=chaos=government needs to come in and rule over the people lead by just a few individuals=socialism =communism


For us who care about our children, let’s rebuild the family and preserve and restore the family moral fabric


 I welcome Well Researched and Objective Comments, and not emotional outbursts or hollow opinions

Monday, October 18, 2021

Abortion, Homosexuality...will be Legal due to the Trade Treaty

It is a 20-year treaty governing trade and economic relations between the EU and 79 countries in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) Signed in February 2000, it united over 100 countries (EU member states + 79 ACP countries) and represented over 1.5 billion people. It was to expire in 2020 but was extended until a new 20-year agreement can be put in place called the ACP-EU Agreement. Negotiations for a new 20-year ACP-EU partnership began in September 2018 and ended April 15 of 2021.

The provisions of the Regional Protocols shall be legally binding on the [EU Party] and on the Parties that are in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, respectively. Nothing in the Regional Protocols and their interpretation and implementation can affect or deviate from the provisions under the General Part of the Agreement and the decisions of the OACPSEU Council of Ministers.
The EU reaffirms its commitment to contribute to the costs associated with the organisation of meetings of joint institutions and to the operating costs of the OACPS Secretariat with regard to the implementation of this Agreement, including its protocols.

Key Contentious Provisions of the Draft Partnership Agreement

General Part of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
1. Art. 29(5) - The Parties shall support universal access to sexual and reproductive health commodities and healthcare services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes.

Why Contentious? 

African Group SDG Goal 3 Reservation: 
With regard to information and education in the context of sexual and reproductive health services, as referred to under Goal 3 … the African Group does not think that comprehensive sexual education should be included as part of it. First and foremost, parents have the right to choose the type of education to give to their children—a right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which must be respected.” (See A/69/PV.101)

Advocates of comprehensive sexuality education programs claim that among other things, CSE programs will reduce teen pregnancy and STD infections and that they do not sexualize children.  

The topics below are some of the most harmful concepts CSE programs promote to children.

         i. CSE teaches children to masturbate.

       ii. CSE encourages acceptance and exploration of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities

     iii. CSE promotes high risk sexual behaviors (including anal and oral sex) and teaches they are safe.

     iv. CSE promotes sexual pleasure and promiscuity as a right for children.

       v. CSE promotes abortion as safe and without consequences.

     vi. CSE encourages children to experiment sexually with individuals of their own sex or the opposite sex.

   vii. CSE claims access to “comprehensive sexuality education” is a human right.

 viii. CSE teaches children and youth they are sexual from birth.

     ix. CSE promotes condoms to children without informing them of their failure rates.

       x.  CSE promotes disrespect for parents and religious and cultural values.

     xi. CSE promotes sexual counseling, information or services to minors without parental consent.

   xii. CSE trains children to advocate for their “sexual rights” in laws and policies.

  xiii. CSE encourages “peer to peer” sexuality education.

2. Art. 36(2) - The Parties commit to the full and effective implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the outcomes of their review conferences and commit to sexual and reproductive health and rights, in this context.

Why Contentious? 

Most of the Outcomes from the Review Conferences have consistently promoted  abortion, sexual and reproductive rights or sexual and reproductive health and rights, 
 prostitution which they say is sex work, and comprehensive sexuality education

For instance  

3.5 “Cultural and religious barriers such as parental and spousal consent ... should never prevent access to family planning, safe and legal abortion, and other reproductive health services – recognizing that young people have autonomy over their own bodies, pleasures, and desires.”

1.8 “To provide non-discriminatory, non-judgmental, rights-based … comprehensive sexuality education” 

3.11 “Comprehensive sexuality education should … include information on sexual orientation and gender identities that is free of religious intolerance.”

Recognizing that health is a precondition for economic and social development of Africa and aware that sexual and reproductive health and rights are not only essential to the realization of social justice, but are central to the achievement of global, regional and national commitments for sustainable development; (Pg 6, Para 3)

Also reaffirming the Maputo Plan of Action on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, the Continental Policy Framework on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, the Abuja Actions Towards the Elimination of HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria in Africa by 2030; (Pg 2, Para 6)

 And According to (WHO, 2015) Sexual Health, Human Rights and the Law  Sexual and Reproductive Health has proved to be a trojan horse for Abortion, LGBT Rights, and CSE

Africa Regional Protocol of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
3. Art. 32(2) - The Parties shall cooperate to eliminate preventable maternal, child and neo-natal mortality and morbidity. They shall aim to deliver universal access to sexual and reproductive health services. They shall cooperate to address the growing incidence and burden of non-communicable diseases.

4. Art. 40(6) - The Parties shall commit to the full and effective implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the outcomes of their review conferences. They shall further stress the need for universal access to quality and affordable comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and education, taking into consideration the UNESCO International technical guidance on sexuality education, as well as the need for the delivery of relevant health-care services

5. Art. 49(6) They shall promote and encourage the ratification and the effective implementation of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa and support the effective implementation of the Maputo Plan of Action 2016-2030, as appropriate.

Please note that these documents have proved to promote Abortion, SRHR and CSE as showed below

Article 14.2 (c) “States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to: c) protect the reproductive rights of women by authorizing medical abortion in cases of sexual assault, rape, incest, and where the continued pregnancy endangers the mental and physical health of the mother or the life of the mother or the foetus.”

“The plan is premised on SRHR in its fullest context as defined at ICPD/MPoA 1994 and ICPD+20, taking into account the life cycle approach. These elements of SRHR include Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH); maternal health and newborn care; safe abortion care.”

“4.3.4 Provide sexuality education for young people in and out of school” 

“9.3.7 Develop and/or implement coordination and supervisory structure and mechanism for implementation of SRHR at regional and national levels.”

Implications of Ratifying the EU-ACP Trade Treaty
Parliaments in the African, Caribbean and Pacific states are required to ratify the treaty for it be legally binding, they have upto December 2021.
Ratifying the Treaty in its current form would lead to the automatic legalization of:
  1.  Abortion
  2. Homosexuality 
  3. Prostitution
  4. Pornography
  5. Parental, Cultural and Religious Persecution
  6. Et.c 

What can be done?

  1. Warn the your legislatures and Heads of States
  2. Oppose the signature, provisional application, and conclusion of the Partnership Agreement and the Africa Regional Protocol; 
  3. Oppose the ratification of the Partnership Agreement and the Africa Regional Protocol, in accordance with relevant domestic procedures; 
  4. Formulate a conditional interpretative declaration specifying that the meaning of the terms “sexual and reproductive health”, “reproductive health”, “sexual and reproductive health and rights”, “sexual and reproductive health commodities”, “sexual and reproductive health services”, “sexual and reproductive health-care services, information and education” does not include abortion or any other procedures, goods or services that are against national law
  5. Formulate an interpretative declaration stating that the development and provision of “comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and education” will be undertaken with full respect for the rights of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions, and that in no way does any reference to the UNESCO International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education contained in the Partnership Agreement and the relevant Regional Protocol impose an obligation to incorporate comprehensive sexuality education in national school curricula

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Uganda Anti-Pornography Law Dropped? Expect This!

Anti-Pornography Case

On August 13 2021, the Constitutional Court ruled on the case number 13 of 2014 regarding the Anti-Pornography Act 2014 (APA 2014) dropping it. Shouldn't we be concerned as a country? 

Below is a summary of evidence from the International Centre on Sexual Exploitation(CESE), Family Research Council (FRC) and Family Watch International (FWI) on why we should be alarmed 


Since 2009 there have been over 40 neurological studies that support the reality of compulsive porn use and the negative impacts of porn on the users’ brain structure and function. Research has demonstrated that children are more susceptible than adults to addictions and to developmental effects on the brain. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa.

Porn Shrinks Regions of the Brain. American MRI research found that increased porn use is linked to decreased brain matter in the regions of the brain associated with motivation and decision making. This shrinkage was more pronounced in the heaviest users. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa.

Porn  Hijacks the Brain’s Reward Systems. Pornography can hijack the brain’s reward system in the same way that other addictive substances do. Research shows compulsive porn users’ brains light up in the pleasure centers just like a cocaine addict’s when shown activity-specific cues. This is a hallmark of addiction or compulsive use. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa.

Pornography is addictive, and neuroscientists are beginning to map the biological substrate of this addiction. Patrick F. Fagan, PhD (2011), The Effects of Pornography On Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community. Issue Brief, Family Research Council  

The Addiction Gets Worse. Using functional MRI, a 2015 study from England found that compulsive sexual behavior is characterized by novelty-seeking, conditioning, and habituation to sexual stimuli in males—meaning users need more extreme content over time in order achieve the same level of arousal. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa

Users tend to become desensitized to the type of pornography's they use, become bored with it, and then seek more perverse forms of pornography. Patrick F. Fagan, PhD (2011), The Effects of Pornography On Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community. Issue Brief, Family Research Council  

The lasting effects of pornography use on the human brain are comparable to the impacts of drugs; users experience an unnatural surge of dopamine secretion, causing addiction and a lack of satisfaction in sexual situations without the presence of the stimulant. Pornography users are also predisposed to struggle with depression and anxiety, as well as impulse control and moral decision-making. Pornography also causes users to seek more and more deviant forms of material in order to maintain interest, leading to increased consumption of violent or extremely perverse pornography. In one study, 46.9% of participants said that over time they had begun to watch pornography that had previously repulsed them. Mary Szoch, M.Ed, & Joy Zavalick (2021), Pornography and Its Consequences. Issue Brief, Family Research Council 

Exposure to pornography has an actual physical effect on the brain. Addictive chemicals called erototoxins are produced by the body and released by the brain in response to erotic stimuli. Scientific research is now confirming what therapists have recognized for many years: “the repeated viewing of pornographic images creates a chemical addiction in the viewer. That addiction becomes so powerful that it overrides the cognitive functions of the brain that enable a human being to make judgments, to inhibit impulsive action, or to resist engaging in conduct that will bring harm to themselves or others. The addicts are enslaved to the chemical cocktail of endogenous drugs that are produced by the body and released by the brain when it stores pornographic images.” Individuals are frequently consumed by the addiction without regard for the cost or the consequences to themselves or their loved ones. 
Pornography Addictions Can Escalate Out of Control. Dr. Victor Cline identified a consistent pattern in pornography addiction over 25 years ago which is even more evident today.
Much like drug addiction, the individual addicted to pornography requires “rougher, more explicit, more deviant” material to achieve the desired sexual stimulation and release. 
Unlike drug addiction, however, pornographic images are stored in the brain and can be instantly recalled, making the addiction potentially even more difficult to overcome than drug addiction. (2017), Pornography is Destructive to Individuals and Society. Policy Brief, Family Watch International

Impact on Mental Health. There is a strong link between one being lonely and the urge to watching pornography. Survey data of 1,247 participants seeking help for pornography use, revealed that those who viewed pornography were more likely to experience loneliness, and that those who were experiencing loneliness were more likely to view pornography. There is a strong evidence  that users of pornography experience less esteem and depressive symptoms. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa 


Among males, the younger their age of first exposure to pornography, the higher their current consumption of pornography as well as their greater integration of pornography into sexual activity and less enjoyment of partnered sex. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa

Although proponents of pornography consider its use to be a personal decision, it too often comes at the cost of the exploitation of those who are most vulnerable: children. In 2018, there were 45 million images of child sexual abuse material (i.e., pornography depicting minors) reported; this number increased to 69.1 million images in 2019. Tragically, 67% of child sexual abuse material victims report that their biological parents or guardians were their abusers.
A 2021 report by the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) attempted to promulgate the idea that children have a universal right to access pornography in order to receive “vital sexuality education.” The report goes on to claim that there is “no consensus” about the negativity of the impact of pornography on children. This type of deceptive language demonstrates the willingness of even major advocacy institutions to overlook the sexual exploitation of children at the hands of the pornography industry, as well as the negative psychological implications for children that view pornography.
Research indicates that girls who are exposed to sexualized portrayals of young women show increased rates of anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and low self-esteem. Mary Szoch, M.Ed, & Joy Zavalick (2021), Pornography and Its Consequences. Issue Brief, Family Research Council 

Child Harmful Sexual Behavior.  Research shows that early exposure to pornography has been linked to increased likelihood of children acting with harmful sexual behavior towards other children including a longitudinal study which found that children are more than five times more likely to exhibit sexually aggressive behavior if they have watched violent pornography. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa    

Porn affects memory and work performance. A study of 28 healthy and heterosexual men revealed that viewing pornographic pictures significantly negatively affected working memory (WM) performance. (Work memory is responsible for the short-term holding, processing, and manipulation of information which plays a vital role
In understanding, reasoning, problem solving, learning and development of speech, and decision making) Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa

Problematic Sexual Behavior. Pornography is linked to engaging in risky sexual behavior, such as hookups, multiple sex partners, anal sex, group sex, and using substances during sex as young adolescents. A meta-analysis of 31 studies in Ethiopia found that people who reported viewing pornography were more likely to engage in risky sexual practices. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa


 Analysis of the 50 most popular pornographic videos (those bought and rented most often) found that 49% contained verbal aggression against women and 88% of scenes contained physical violence.
Internet pornography is shown to normalize the notion that women are sex objects among both adolescent boys and girls.
Among college aged men, the frequency of exposure to pornography, magazines, and reality TV programs that objectify women there were, the more objectified views of women and stronger attitudes supportive of violence against women. 
A 2015 meta-analysis of 22 studies from seven countries found that internationally the consumption of pornography was significantly associated with increases in verbal and physical aggression, among males and females alike. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa

87% of pornography includes aggression against women as a result, pornography users grow desensitized to violence and begin to mimic the actions they consistently view. 
Pornography users show increased tendencies towards sexually objectifying others and committing acts of sexual violence. Normalizing aggression towards women and children through pornographic desensitization results in increased abuse, even towards members of one’s own family.
The remaining members of the family unit are collateral damage in the wake of a parent’s pornography habit. Mary Szoch, M.Ed, & Joy Zavalick (2021), Pornography and Its Consequences. Issue Brief, Family Research Council 

Prolonged consumption of pornography by men produces stronger notions of women as commodities or as "sex objects." Patrick F. Fagan, PhD (2011), The Effects of Pornography On Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community. Issue Brief, Family Research Council  

Rape Myths & Sexual FantasiesA meta-analysis of 46 studies reported that the effects of exposure to pornographic material are “clear and consistent,” and that pornography use puts people at increased risk for committing sexual offenses and accepting rape myths. (Rape myths are false beliefs about sexual violence, such as the false belief that someone deserves rape based on how they dress, or if they drink alcohol, or if they are in a marriage.) Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa

Men who view pornography regularly have a higher tolerance for abnormal sexuality, including rape, sexual aggression, and sexual promiscuity.
Child-sex offenders are more likely to view pornography regularly or to be involved in its distribution. Patrick F. Fagan, PhD (2011), The Effects of Pornography On Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community. Issue Brief, Family Research Council  

A 2001 report revealed that over half of all sex offenders in the state of Utah were adolescents, and some felony sexual assaults were being perpetrated by children as young as 8 years-old. Many young sex offenders say they were acting out what they had seen being depicted in pornography. 
There is an increasing tendency to act out sexually the behaviors depicted in pornographic images including “promiscuity, exhibitionism, group sex, voyeurism, frequenting massage parlors, having sex with minor children, rape, and inflicting pain on themselves or a partner during sex.” Once an addict has reached the “acting out” stage of pornography addiction, individuals nearly always experience a serious erosion of personal relationships and are devoid of most values which results in devastating emotional pain and sorrow to their loved ones. 
There is an undeniable correlation between pornography addiction and the commission of sexual crimes and violence including rape and the sexual molestation of children. According to the United States FBI, the most common interest among serial killers is hardcore pornography. Another study found that 87 percent of child molesters were regularly involved in hardcore pornography. (2017), Pornography is Destructive to Individuals and Society. Policy Brief, Family Watch International

The sexual acts depicted in pornography affect the behavior of men in the way they sexually exploit women in paid sex.
Men who view sexual scenes depicted in pornography are more likely to force women to re-enact those scenes. 
Many of these scenes depict violence against women. In an analysis of hundreds of pornographic sex scenes, it was found that 88% of them depicted violence. These violent desires often drive men who watch pornography to turn to more drastic measures such as rape. 
Men who watch pornography admit that they have a greater proclivity to commit rape than those who do not watch pornography. A late 2015 study by Wright, Tokunaga, and Kraus found that the likelihood of committing acts of sexual aggression increases with each hour of pornography watched.
One-third of rapists confessed that they watched pornography immediately before committing their crime.
 A 2017 report entitled “The Sexualization of Harm in Contemporary Pornography” stated, “Pornography is teaching male children violent and abusive sexual scripts, and teaching them that these are normative ways of being male and of relating sexually to women.” Pornography has inspired many rapes, where the rapist replicated the violent scenes that he viewed in pornography—even to the point of killing the victim and tying her in various positions as depicted in pornography. Arina O. Grossu & Sean Maguire (2017), The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion. Issue Analysis, Family Research Council 


The The more pornography a man watches, the more likely he is to deliberately think about pornography during sex and to enjoy intimate behaviors with a partner less.  Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa

Lower Confidence, More Coercion, and Less Satisfaction. Women who watched pornography reported lowered body image, increased criticism from their partners regarding their bodies, increased pressure to perform acts seen in pornographic film and men reported being more critical of their partner’s body and less interest in actual sex. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa

Many adolescents who view pornography initially feel shame, diminished self-confidence, and sexual uncertainty, but these feelings quickly shift to unadulterated enjoyment with regular viewing. Patrick F. Fagan, PhD (2011), The Effects of Pornography On Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community. Issue Brief, Family Research Council 

Sexual DysfunctionA 2015 study on pornography users found that 20.3% said “one motive for their porn use was to maintain arousal with their partner.” It also found that pornography use was linked to higher sexual desire, but lower overall sexual satisfaction, and lower erectile function. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa

Pornography use is also positively correlated with erectile dysfunction in men. Mary Szoch, M.Ed, & Joy Zavalick (2021), Pornography and Its Consequences. Issue Brief, Family Research Council 

       Links to Alcohol Use & PromiscuityPornography is linked to alcohol use, more binge drinking, greater acceptance of sex outside of marriage for married individuals, greater acceptance of sex before marriage, and less child centeredness during marriage for males. High assumption men who use pornography are more likely to report having sexually harassed a peer or forcing someone to have sex. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa

Pornography engenders greater sexual permissiveness, which in turn leads to a greater risk of out-of-wedlock births and STDs. These, in turn, lead to still more weaknesses and debilities. Patrick F. Fagan, PhD (2011), The Effects of Pornography On Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community. Issue Brief, Family Research Council  

Unhealthy Use of Sexual Enhancement Drugs. In Ethiopia, in-depth interviews and focus-group discussions found that young men are turning to Viagra to impress lovers. Young men used Viagra to quell anxieties about what they perceived as women's growing expectations about their sexual performance largely fueled by the emergence of pornography as a new standard for sexual performance. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa.

Impact on Marriage. A  study of married couples found that those who used pornography more often reported lower satisfaction with their sex-life and decision-making as a couple. Thus impacting the quality of their marriage. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa.

Married men who are involved in pornography feel less satisfied with their conjugal relations and less emotionally attached to their wives. Wives notice and are upset by the difference.
Among couples affected by one spouse's addiction, two-thirds experience a loss of interest in sexual intercourse.
Both spouses perceive pornography viewing as tantamount to infidelity.
Pornography viewing leads to a loss of interest in good family relations. Patrick F. Fagan, PhD (2011), The Effects of Pornography On Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community. Issue Brief, Family Research Council  

Pornography usage is indisputably toxic to the development of a healthy family life, primarily because it affects the balance of trust and intimacy within a marriage. According to a 2020 study, pornography viewing is never positively associated with quality of relationship.
For couples dealing with one partner’s pornography use, 68 percent note that one or both partners have lost interest in sexual activity within their marriage. Pornography’s divisive impact on marriages demonstrates that this type of infidelity must not be taken lightly.
Pornography destroys marriages by weakening the foundations of the union. In marriages where a spouse has not yet discovered the other’s pornography habit, there is nevertheless increased evidence of anxiety, reduced trust, and increased conflict due to the tension of concealment. Even in instances when a discovered pornography habit does not lead to divorce, the impact on the victimized spouse is devastating; 70 percent of wives who discover their husband’s pornography use display signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Mary Szoch, M.Ed, & Joy Zavalick (2021), Pornography and Its Consequences. Issue Brief, Family Research Council 

The availability of a spouse or a willing sexual partner does not eliminate the need for exposure to pornographic material. A pornography addict will often prefer to masturbate with pornography rather than have sexual relations with a spouse. (2017), Pornography is Destructive to Individuals and Society. Policy Brief, Family Watch International

Marital Affairs. A study showed those who have had an extramarital affair are more than three  times more likely to have used Internet pornography than those who remain faithful to their partners and have not viewed pornography. Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa

Impact on Divorce. Researchers found the probability of divorce roughly doubles for men and women who begin viewing pornography. Conversely, women who quit using pornography were significantly less likely to get divorced.  Alvin Winford  (2020),  Protecting Africa Against the Public Health Harms of Pornography. ANPPCAN, Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Africa

Pornography use is a pathway to infidelity and divorce, and is frequently a major factor in these family disasters. Patrick F. Fagan, PhD (2011), The Effects of Pornography On Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community. Issue Brief, Family Research Council  

 Married couples who struggle with pornography usage are twice as likely to divorce as couples who do not.
In addition to the potential consequences of divorce, growing up in a home where pornography is used increases the risk of children being exposed to sexually graphic images, which constitutes child sexual abuse. Children enduring trauma resulting from pornographic exposure may experience anxiety, fear, obsession with sexuality, sleep disturbances, and behavioral issues. Mary Szoch, M.Ed, & Joy Zavalick (2021), Pornography and Its Consequences. Issue Brief, Family Research Council 

Pornography is a leading cause of marital and family breakdown today and generates serious problems for individuals, families and societies. (2017), Pornography is Destructive to Individuals and Society. Policy Brief, Family Watch International


The presence of sexually oriented businesses significantly harms the surrounding community, leading to increases in crime and decreases in property values. Patrick F. Fagan, PhD (2011), The Effects of Pornography On Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community. Issue Brief, Family Research Council  

A disturbingly large percentage of pornography is created through the suffering of sex trafficking and rape victims. According to one study, 49% of sexual exploitation survivors said that they were filmed for pornography. Because of the high demand for nonconsensual and violent pornography, it is often impossible to determine whether a particular video is staged or if it depicts the real-life abuse of a victim which may continue beyond the runtime of the film itself. Even in pornography that does not appear explicitly violent, there is often no way of knowing whether the participants have been threatened or coerced. Mary Szoch, M.Ed, & Joy Zavalick (2021), Pornography and Its Consequences. Issue Brief, Family Research Council 

The Link Between Pornography Use and Paid Sex 
There is a very strong correlation between the use of pornography and the use of women in prostitution. A study by Monto and McRee from 2005 found that men who used pornography were far more likely to solicit women in prostitution than those men who did not use pornography.
Even among men who use pornography, those who seek women in prostitution, even just once, are also likely to consume more pornography than those who never solicit female prostitutes. Arina O. Grossu & Sean Maguire (2017), The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion. Issue Analysis, Family Research Council 

Pornography: A Public Health Crisis These and other ill effects of pornography are finally being recognized
In March 2016, the state of Utah officially declared pornography a “public health crisis,” declaring its negative effects on society and the need for policy changes that will address it.
In February 2017, the states of South Dakota and Virginia have subsequently passed similar legislation to Utah’s, declaring pornography to be public health crisis and naming pornography responsible for “lessening desire of young persons to marry.” The resolution recognized that pornography contributes to risky sexual behavior among teens, poor body image and mental disorders, sex addictions, the normalization of violence against women and children, and is a detriment to the family unit.
Alexander Rhodes, the founder of NoFap, a platform dedicated to helping those who want to quit using pornography, defended the Utah state resolution (S.C.R. 9), suggesting that internet pornography addiction is just as concerning as alcoholism or “internet gaming disorder” and that Utah’s statement is a way to open up the conversation.
In March 2017, the Tennessee Senate unanimously passed a resolution recognizing pornography as a “public health hazard leading to a broad spectrum of individual and public health impacts and social harm.” 
Similarly, in 2017 the state of Arkansas introduced H.R. 1042 which officially recognizes pornography as a public health crisis. Supporters of this resolution have cited the impact pornography has as a social harm and the addictive properties that is has.
Pornography poses a legitimate concern for the health of individuals and the safety of society, and it is time for those who have felt or witnessed its negative effects to speak. Arina O. Grossu & Sean Maguire (2017), The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion. Issue Analysis, Family Research Council 

Money Talks: The pornography industry generates over $97 billion every year worldwide.  The U.S. pornography industry generates $13 billion each year. Further, when an individual supports the pornography industry through porn use, this increases the likelihood that this same individual will seek out the prostitution industry, and vice versa. This creates an increased demand for both pornographic materials and women in prostitution or sex trafficking. The pornography and prostitution industries continue to exist symbiotically and grow each other’s revenues.
Those who are actors in pornographic material are often women who have been sex trafficked and sometimes child sex slaves, some of the most vulnerable members of our society. U.S. citizens account for 83% of all sex trafficking victims who have been found. Victims of sex trafficking are subjected to physical mistreatment, and are often forced to recreate pornographic scenes. Sex traffickers understand the methods of exploitation, both mentally and economically, to keep vulnerable individuals in the industry. Arina O. Grossu & Sean Maguire (2017), The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion. Issue Analysis, Family Research Council 

Pornography Use in Trafficking Initiation. Sex traffickers often use pornography to “groom” the victims of sex trafficking for the practices in which they are expected to engage. Women and children are shown pornography by their traffickers to train before they are sold for sex. Arina O. Grossu & Sean Maguire (2017), The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion. Issue Analysis, Family Research Council 

Sexual Exploitation Is Nobody’s Job. There are many organizations that push for legitimizing sexual exploitation as “sex work.” Sexual exploitation is nobody’s job. Sexual exploitation is a horrendous violation of people’s physical and psychological health and safety. The elements of sexual exploitation which is often paraded as “sex work” include: “routine verbal degradation; threat of physical assault and a wide array of physical injury; extreme risk of sexual assault and rape; being groped, pinched, licked, bitten and breathed upon by people who pay to use you; serial utilization of one’s orifices as a receptacle for male genitalia and other objects; likely acquisition of drug/alcohol addiction; likely acquisition of post-traumatic stress disorder; likely acquisition of any number of (potentially incurable) STDs; and possible premature death as the result of homicide.” Sexual exploitation is abuse and should not be raised to the level of “work.” Arina O. Grossu & Sean Maguire (2017), The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion. Issue Analysis, Family Research Council 

Violence Against Trafficking Victims. The victims of sex trafficking are violently mistreated, even killed. Even before entering the sex industry, over 80% of sexually exploited teenage girls were already sexually abused as children. The average life expectancy of someone in commercial sexual exploitation is seven years; in other words, a 14-year-old would be dead by age 21. The mortality rate is 200 times higher among women being trafficked for sex than a non-exploited person of the same age. Those who were involved in the sex trafficking industry reported the severe violence to which they were subjected. In interviews with over 100 survivors of trafficking, 95.1% reported some form of violence or abuse including being forced to have sex, punched, beaten, kicked, threatened with a weapon, strangled, etc. Many of these acts are inspired by violent pornography since 88% of scenes in pornographic films contain acts of physical aggression. There are horrible accounts of violence and abuse in the industry, and the victims have absolutely no protection. Arina O. Grossu & Sean Maguire (2017), The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion. Issue Analysis, Family Research Council 

Sex Trafficking and Abortion: The Numbers It is nearly impossible to know the total number of abortions committed on sex-trafficked women. In a survey of 66 women who survived sex trafficking, about 71 % reported that they became pregnant at least once while being trafficked, and about 21% said they had 5 or more pregnancies while being trafficked. Due to the violence trafficking victims undergo and the lack of proper care they receive, many of those pregnancies ended in miscarriage. Over half of the women suffered a miscarriage, and nearly 30% of them suffered from multiple miscarriages. Over half of the women in the survey reported at least one abortion, and nearly 30% reported that they had multiple abortions. The survey found that these 66 women had a total of 114 abortions among them while being trafficked. Arina O. Grossu & Sean Maguire (2017), The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion. Issue Analysis, Family Research Council 

Forced and Coerced Abortions In general, women who endure abortions are very often coerced into them. In a national study of women, 64% of those who have had abortions indicated they felt pressured by others to do so. Women compelled to abort are often subjected to violence in order to coerce them into the abortion. Many women have been killed by their partners who are trying to prevent the birth of their unborn child.
According to a 2002 study, being pregnant increases a woman’s risk of being physically attacked. If women who have not been trafficked suffer this kind of coercion to abort, how much more likely is it for women who have been trafficked? Steven Wagner, former director of the Human Trafficking Program at the U.S. Department for Health and Human Services, argued that coercion to abort among pregnant women who are being sex trafficked is universal. Arina O. Grossu & Sean Maguire (2017), The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion. Issue Analysis, Family Research Council 


Given the massive, deleterious individual, marital, familial, and social effects of pornography, we cannot afford to let the government abdicate its duty to appeal so as to re-instate the Ant-Porn Act. Laws that criminalize the production, marketing and possession of pornography should be established and strictly enforced. 

It is time for citizens and government to reconsider their laissez-faire approach. Ugandans Lets rise up to resist and defeat this Evil agenda.