Monday, July 25, 2022

Why Not CSE? The 15 Harmful Elements

 Family Watch Internationalan ECOSOC Accredited Organisation with consultative status at the UN, developed an Evaluation Tool to analyze and found out that there are 15 Harmful Elements typically found in Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) curricula.

1. Sexualizes Children. Normalizes child sex or desensitizes children to sexual things. May give examples of children having sex or imply many of their peers are sexually active.

 2. Teaches Children to Consent to Sex. May teach children how to negotiate sexual encounters or how to ask for or get “consent” from other children to engage in sexual acts with them.

3. Normalizes Anal & Oral Sex. Normalizes the high-risk sexual behaviors and may omit vital medical facts, such as the extremely high STI infection rates and the oral and anal cancer rates of these high-risk sex acts.

4. Promotes Homosexual / Bisexual Behavior. Normalizes or promotes acceptance or exploration of diverse sexual orientations, sometimes in violation of state education laws.

5. Promotes Sexual Pleasure. Teaches children they are entitled to or have a “right” to sexual pleasure or encourages children to seek out sexual pleasure.

6. Promotes Solo and/or Mutual Masturbation. Encourages masturbation at young ages, which may make children more vulnerable to pornography use, sexual addictions or sexual exploitation. May instruct children on how to masturbate. May also encourage children to engage in mutual masturbation.

7. Promotes Condom Use in Inappropriate Ways. May inappropriately eroticize condom or use sexually explicit methods to promote condom use to children. May imply that condoms will provide complete protection against pregnancy or STIs.

8. Promotes Early Sexual Autonomy. Teaches children they can choose to have sex when they feel they are ready or when they find a trusted partner.

9. Fails to Establish Abstinence as The Expected Standard. Fails to establish abstinence as the expected standard for all school-age children. May mention abstinence only in passing. May teach children that all sexual activity—other than “unprotected” vaginal and oral sex—is acceptable, and even healthy. May present abstinence and “protected” sex as equally good options for children.

10. Promotes Transgender Ideology. Promotes affirmation of and/or exploration of diverse gender identities. May teach children they can change their gender or identify as multiple genders

11. Promotes Contraception / Abortion to Children. Presents abortion as a safe or positive option while omitting data on the many potential negative physical and mental health consequences. May encourage the use of contraceptives, while failing to present failure rates or side effects.

12. Promotes Peer-To-Peer Sex Ed or Sexual Rights Advocacy. May train children to teach other children about sex or sexual pleasure, through peer-to-peer initiatives. May recruit children as spokespeople to advocate for controversial sexual rights or to promote abortion.

13. Undermines Traditional Values and Beliefs. May encourage children to question their parents’ beliefs or their cultural or religious values regarding early sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.

14. Undermines Parents or Parental Rights. May instruct children they have rights to confidentiality and privacy from their parents. May teach children about accessing sexual commodities or services, including abortion, without parental consent.

15. Refers Children to Harmful Resources. Refers children to harmful websites, materials or outside entities. May also specifically refer children to Planned Parenthood or their affiliates or partners for their lucrative services or commodities.

Having even one of these elements should be reason enough to disqualify a program from being taught to children. A program containing several of these elements should be banned from use in any school or community setting


  1. The War on Children
  2.  Comprehensive Sexuality Education EXPOSED: The Facts and Harmful Elements - Part 3/

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Debunking Sexual and Reproductive Health (and Rights)

It is critical to understand the worldwide agenda behind the term Sexual and Reproductive Health(SRH). SRH used to mean having a healthy sexual and reproductive system with the absence of disease or dysfunction. But its meaning has been corrupted, making it one of the most controversial terms globally.

According to (WHO, 2015) Sexual Health, Human Rights and the Law ,  SRH has proved to be a trojan horse for Abortion, Homosexuality, Prostitution et.c

‘‘Sexual health … encompasses not only certain aspects of reproductive health – such as being able to control one’s fertility through access to contraception and abortion, but also, the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences.’’ (Pg 1 Executive Summary)

‘‘Indeed, it has become clear that human sexuality includes many different forms of behaviour and expression, and that the recognition of the diversity of sexual behaviour and expression contributes to people’s overall sense of well-being and health.’’ (Pg 1 Executive Summary)

‘‘All countries should work toward decriminalization of sex work and elimination of the unjust application of non-criminal laws and regulations against people engaged in sex work’’. (Pg 28, 3.4.10-People engaged in sex work).

‘‘Various countries around the world have legalized same-sex marriages to protect fundamental human rights, including access to health services and social benefits’’ (Pg 21, 3.4.2 – Marital Status)

‘‘for people whose deeply felt gender does not correspond to their sex assigned at birth, access to hormonal treatment or gender reassignment surgery, or other treatment, may be needed for the protection of their health including their sexual health.’’  (Pg 14, 3.1- Introduction)

The EU Parliament's adopted Matic Report revealed that SRHR included Abortion, Homosexuality et.c

B. .. sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are, according to the WHO, an umbrella term for various issues affecting all persons and representing four separate areas: sexual health, sexual rights, reproductive health and reproductive rights, and they are based on the rights of all individuals to have their bodily integrity, privacy and personal autonomy respected; have their sexual orientation and gender identity fully respected; to decide whether, with whom and when to be sexually active; to have safe sexual experiences, decide whether, when and who to marry, whether and by what means to have a child or children, and how many children; …; (Pg 7/39)

J. whereas SRH services are essential healthcare services that should be available to all and include comprehensive, evidence-based and age-appropriate sexuality and relationship education; information, confidential and unbiased counselling and services for sexual and reproductive health and well-being; information and counselling on modern contraception, as well as access to a wide range of modern contraceptives; antenatal, childbirth and postnatal care; midwifery; obstetric and newborn care; safe and legal abortion care and services,…(Pg 9/39)

For the sake of our children, we must demand any and all provisions to SRH(R) to be deleted from our Public Policies.

See More:

  1. 7 Mins Video Clip Road to Nairobi
  2. 4 Mins Video Clip Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
  3. 5 Mins Video Clip Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)