Sunday, June 26, 2022

Roe V Wade Overturned, Should We Fold Hands?

The SCOTUS ruling that overturned Roe V. Wade should be the greatest news of the Century for the Pro-Family Camp. As we Glorify GOD for the ruling, let’s acknowledge that Abortion is a spiritual rather than a policy issue since Abortionists are appeasing their god, Molech. Abortion is a form of worship that strengthen Baal, and his goal is the disintegration of the family, which he knows will in turn disintegrate society. Service to the god Molech was also connected with Baal.

They built the high places of Baal which are in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to cause their sons to pass through the fire to Molech. Jeremiah 32:35

Abortion is the rejection of a child by a parent. We see the heart of a parent turned not toward their children, but rather against them in a deadly way.

The SCOTUS ruling indeed should be celebrated, with a bearing that Abortion is also a symptom of Family breakdown, which cannot be entirely solved by a Pro-life legislation. As long as the Family is still broken there shall always be young girls seeking Abortion services.  The ruling only restricts the supply but does not remove the demand for Abortion. Family Breakdown cannot be solved by a Legislation. 

The young girls and women who are Abortion Vulnerable or Abortion Minded are mostly victims of Family Breakdown. The Family is Core. Let's focus on rebuilding and strengthening the Family by mentorship on responsible Fatherhood/Manhood and Motherhood/Womanhood, Pre & Post Marital Counseling, Parenting, Sexual Integrity et.c

But how comes America, a Christian Nation legalized Abortion in 1973? The sexual Rights used Bypass the People Strategy. According to the Strategy, if you can’t get your agenda passed by a legislature or by a popular vote of the people, use the courts. In bypassing the legislature or the vote of the people and taking your cause straight to the courts, you can save time and money. It’s much easier to convince a few judges to mandate your agenda. Activists used this strategy to legalize abortion in the United States with the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. They succeeded even though the Constitution nowhere mentions abortion as a fundamental right, most states at the time had laws against abortion, and polls showed that the majority of Americans were against legalizing abortion.

Let's not only Pray but also Strengthen the Family as we lobby for Pro-Family Laws and Policies. 

Why Uganda should reject the EAC SRH Bill 2021

National Consultations were undertaken at the end of 2021 in the different East African Community States and Public Hearings in the last week of June 2022 on the EAC SRH Bill,2021. In August 2016, the Parliament of Uganda banned the teaching, training, conduct and dissemination of comprehensive sexuality education materials to all schools in Uganda due to its Harmful Elements.  Albeit, the East African Community Sexual and Reproductive Health (EAC SRH) Bill, by Hon. Kennedy Mukulia Ayason is to be debated at the EALA, the said bill is an Introduction of the banned Comprehensive Sexuality Education at regional Level.

Contrary to Article 22 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995, the Bill in clauses 2 (d), 6 (3) (n), 16, 17 (1), 17 (2), 17 (3), 18 (1) seeks to legalize Abortion.  Life Begins at Conception and ends with natural death. The child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity needs appropriate legal protection before as well as after birth. Therefore, no legislation should promote any form of termination of life but rather seek to ensure the sanctity of Life.

The Bill, in clauses 6 (3) (b) , 6 (3) (h), 7 (1) , 7 (2) , 8,  9 (6) (a), 9(6)(d) Seeks to Legalize Comprehensive Sexuality Education, which according to, has  Harmful Concepts such as teaching  children to masturbate, acceptance and exploration of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, high risk sexual behaviors (including anal and oral sex),  sexual pleasure and promiscuity as a right for children,  promotes  abortion as safe and without consequences,   encourages children to experiment sexually with individuals of their own sex or the opposite sex, promotes condoms to children without informing them of their failure rates,   promotes disrespect for parents and religious and cultural values among others.


More so the Bill, in clauses 2 (a), 2 (b), 6 (1), 6 (2), 6 (3) (a), 6 (3) (i), 6 (3) (o), 9 (1), 9 (2), 9 (5) 10, 11 (1), 11 (2), 15 (1), 15 (2) (a), 27 (1), 27 (2), 28 (1), 28 (3), seeks to legalize Sexual and Reproductive Health, which according to (WHO, 2015) Sexual Health, Human Rights and the Law ,  has proved to be a trojan horse for Abortion, Homosexuality, Prostitution.

These concepts for Instance Homosexuality promoted by Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Sexual and Reproductive Health are not only contrary to our cultural and religious values but also to articles 31 (1) and 31 (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995.


For the sake of our Children, we need to disregard and reject the contents of this Bill in total and appeal to the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) not to let the bill be enacted in law.


The War on Children

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Problematic Provisions in NDP III


Uganda’s (National Development Plan) NDP III is infiltrated with problematic and controversial terms that are points of contention between the liberal western world and conservative countries in UN negotiations.

The NDP III has aspires to Increase access to Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and Rights (Pg 175), which according to (WHO, 2015) Sexual Health, Human Rights and the Law ,  has proved to be a trojan horse for Abortion, Homosexuality, Prostitution among others. See  Sexual & Reproductive Health (SRH) , Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

NDP III also mentions sexual and reproductive health information and services (Pg 170), information on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) (Pg 165) , which are useful euphemisms for, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, which according to stopCSE.orghas  Harmful Concepts such as teaching  children to masturbatehomosexuality ,  abortion,    condoms to children,    disrespect for parents and religious and cultural values among others. See  The War on Children

Some ambiguous terms included gender mainstreaming (Pg 84), gender-based violence (Pg 88, Pg 176, Pg 187, Pg 188), gender sensitive (Pg 110), gender response (Pg 113), gender inequality (Pg 172, Pg 176, Pg 186), and Gender equality (Pg 176, Pg 176) among others.


How “Gender” Terms are Often Used or Interpreted:


Gender-based violence” has been defined to encompass denial of abortion and violence against LGBT people e.g In General Comment 35 on gender-based violence, the CEDAW Committee declared the “criminalization of abortion” to be a form of “gender-based violence”

The UN Women FAQs  on types of violence against women and girls states  “The term [gender-based violence] is also sometimes used to describe targeted violence against LGBTQI+ populations, when referencing violence related to norms of masculinity/femininity and/or gender norms.”

The state of Oregon in the U.S. defines “gender sensitive” as Materials and instruction strategies that is sensitive to individual’s similarities and differences regarding gender role, gender identity and/or sexual orientation.

For the sake of our children, Let's demand any and all provisions to such controversial Terms to be deleted from not only the NDP but also all Public Policies.

See some Recommended Actions for NPA to cleanse the Policy Document

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Problematic Terms in Uganda’s NDP III & Recommended Action



Problematic Terms

Recommended Action


6. Increase access to Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and Rights[1] with special focus on family planning services and harmonised information Pg 175

6. Increase access to Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and Rights with special focus on family planning services and harmonised information quality, affordable and accessible health care for women Pg 175


9. Provide a framework for gender[2] mainstreaming, equity and human rights and eradication of child labour in the mining industry Pg 84

9. Provide a framework for gender mainstreaming equal opportunities for women and girls, equity and human rights and eradication of child labour in the mining industry Pg 84


184 With careful planning and implementation, the oil and gas industry has the opportunity to contribute across all development indicators, either by enhancing its positive contributions or by avoiding or mitigating negative impacts to ensure that “no one is left behind”. …. the challenges that all development agendas seek to address, mainly climate change and environmental degradation, population displacement, economic and social inequality, armed conflicts, gender-based violence[3], tax evasion and corruption, increased risk of certain health problems, and the violation of human rights... Pg 88

184 With careful planning and implementation, the oil and gas industry has the opportunity to contribute across all development indicators, either by enhancing its positive contributions or by avoiding or mitigating negative impacts to ensure that “no one is left behind”. …. the challenges that all development agendas seek to address, mainly climate change and environmental degradation, population displacement, economic and social inequality, armed conflicts, gender-based violence against women, tax evasion and corruption, increased risk of certain health problems, and the violation of human rights... Pg 88


e. Establish functional gender sensitive regional and zonal management committee for water resources; Pg 110


e. Establish functional gender sensitive effective regional and zonal management committee for water resources that take into account the different needs of women/girls; Pg 110


b. Build gender response capacity in climate change monitoring and evaluation through integration in local government performance assessment and national monitoring frameworks; Pg 113

b. Build gender response capacity in climate change monitoring and evaluation systems that ensure equal access to resources for women through integration in local government performance assessment and national monitoring frameworks; Pg 113


5) To reduce vulnerability and gender inequality along the lifecycle; and Pg 172

5) To reduce vulnerability and gender inequality between women and men along the lifecycle; and Pg 172


Objective 5: Reduce vulnerability and gender inequality along the lifecycle Pg 176

Objective 5: Reduce vulnerability and gender inequality between women and men along the lifecycle Pg 176


6. Scale up Gender Based Violence (GBV) prevention and response interventions at all levels Pg 176

6. Scale up Gender Based Violence against women (GBV) prevention and response interventions at all levels Pg 176


7. Support Gender equality and Equity Responsive Budgeting in all Sectors and Local Governments Pg 176

7. Support Gender equality between women and men and Equity Responsive Budgeting in all Sectors and Local Governments Pg 176


8. Implement a National Male Involvement Strategies in promotion of gender equality Pg 176

8. Implement a National Male Involvement Strategies in promotion of gender equality between women and men Pg 176


(ix) Reduction in prevalence of negative social norms and cultural practices that perpetuate gender inequality Pg 186

(ix) Reduction in prevalence of negative social norms and cultural practices that perpetuate gender inequality between women and men Pg 186


416 There are several behavioural barriers to adoption of positive mind sets cushioned by long years of social conditioning. … High rates of child marriages, teenage pregnancies, gender-based violence, female genital mutilation (FGM), and child sacrifice are manifestation of a failing social safety net Pg 187

416 There are several behavioural barriers to adoption of positive mind sets cushioned by long years of social conditioning. … High rates of child marriages, teenage pregnancies, gender-based violence against women and girls, female genital mutilation (FGM), and child sacrifice are manifestation of a failing social safety net Pg 187


418 Participation of cultural and religious institutions in community development programmes has not been institutionalized. .., some cultures still practise negative cultural behaviours such as child sacrifice, child marriages, FGM, gender-based violence (GBV) and limited use of indigenous knowledge to support creative industries Pg 188

418 Participation of cultural and religious institutions in community development programmes has not been institutionalized. .., some cultures still practise negative cultural behaviours such as child sacrifice, child marriages, FGM, gender-based violence against women and girls (GBV) and limited use of indigenous knowledge to support creative industries Pg 188


364 However, Uganda’s human capital is characterised by low labour productivity (38 percent), low human development (HDI at 0.516) and fewer STEI graduates (2 out of 5 are STEI graduates). This is mainly attributed to: (i) weak foundation for human capital; … limited information[4] on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH); … (ix) gender and other inequalities... Pg 165

364 However, Uganda’s human capital is characterised by low labour productivity (38 percent), low human development (HDI at 0.516) and fewer STEI graduates (2 out of 5 are STEI graduates). This is mainly attributed to: (i) weak foundation for human capital; … limited information on Sexual and Reproductive Optimal Health (SRH); … (ix) gender and other inequalities against women and girls... Pg 165


from the lowest wealth quintile compared to 15 percent from the highest quintile; HIV prevalence increases rapidly with age in this age group, most especially among adolescent girls where it increases from 0.5 percent at 15 years to 5.1 percent by 20 years; … low access to sexual and reproductive health information and services; … and gender related exclusions from socio-economic opportunities, contravening the leave no one behind agenda. . Pg 170

from the lowest wealth quintile compared to 15 percent from the highest quintile; HIV prevalence increases rapidly with age in this age group, most especially among adolescent girls where it increases from 0.5 percent at 15 years to 5.1 percent by 20 years; … low access to sexual and reproductive health information and services vital health; … and gender related exclusions from socio-economic opportunities based on one’s sex. . Pg 170



Replace “gender” with “sex”

Define gender as male and female


[1] Sexual and Reproductive Health, which according to (WHO, 2015) Sexual Health, Human Rights and the Law ,  has proved to be a trojan horse for Abortion, Homosexuality, Prostitution among others. See  Sexual & Reproductive Health (SRH) , Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

[2] How “Gender” Terms are Often Used or Interpreted:

“gender analysis” = LGBT analysis

“gender-sensitive” = LGBT-sensitive

“gender-based violence” = LGBT-based violence

“based on gender” = based on LGBT status

“gender-sensitive schools” = LGBT-sensitive schools


[3] “Gender-based violence” has been defined to encompass denial of abortion and violence against LGBT people e.g In General Comment 35 on gender-based violence, the CEDAW Committee declared the “criminalization of abortion” to be a form of “gender-based violence that, depending on the circumstances, may amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.”( Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. (2017). General recommendation No. 35 on gender based violence against women, updating general recommendation No. 19. CEDAW/C/GC/35.)


[5] The term “gender” was once used exclusively to describe biological sex (male and female) but is increasingly being used in UN documents to mainstream multiple controversial genders, such as transgender, bigender, pangender and evolved to encompass over 80-100Genders. See the Master List of Gender Diversities.  (Facebook recognizes over 50 genders.)