Monday, October 3, 2022

Uganda needs a Family Policy that is indeed Pro-Family

It is a common practice for the Sexual Rights Activists (Promoters of Homosexuality, Abortion, Prostitution, Pornography...) to craftily insert their language in public policies, as evidenced in Global, Regional and National Policies and we cannot take chances with the National Family Policy of Uganda. Despite a number of  engagements with officials of Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, efforts to look at the Draft National Family have been futile.   Someone would wonder why a Public Policy is hidden from public View.

Nevertheless, as a Country, our Family Policy's Non-Negotiables MUST include the following, otherwise we risk losing the future generation to be warped and propagandized by the Sexual Revolution:

  1. Promote Parental Rights rather than Child & Adolescent Autonomy
  2. Promote Cultural and Religious Values and Morales
  3. Promote Family Based Care for OVC rather than Institutional Care
  4. Promote Pre-Born Baby Rights. Life Begins at Conception and ends with natural death. The child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity needs appropriate legal protection before as well as after birth.
  5. Promote Optimal Maternal Health rather than Sexual and Reproductive health and Rights (Abortion Rights)
  6. Promote Rights of the Sick and the Elderly (Not Euthanasia)
  7. Promote Family Strengthening (Minimize Family Separation)
  8. Promote A Parents' Lead Sex Education, not in schools, not even in the community. Children should learn sexual information from their parents in the privacy of their homes, not from strangers in a public space.
  9. Promote Child Protection Rights rather than Child Autonomous Rights
  10. No mention of the word 'gender' but use 'sex' instead
  11. Definition of Family must be inline with our constitution and Religious & Cultural Values
  12. Emphasize that Marriage is between a man and woman (biological Male & biological Female)
  13. The Definition of a child must cater for a Pre-Born Babies’ rights
  14. The need for a government ministry of Family and Marriage
  15. Promote Family Food Security and Livelihood
  16. Establish abstinence (or a return to abstinence for sexually active youth) as the expected standard for all school children of minor age.
  17. Abolish Tax-Payer Funded Women's Studies and Gender Studies Programs in colleges and Universities. These programs are propaganda creation machines for the Sexual Revolutionary State. 
  18. Cease governmental promotion and subsidization of Contraception. The government has no business in promoting it or otherwise influencing people's reproductive decisions.
  19. The need to abolish the Third-Party Reproduction Industry. Children are not commodities.
  20. The need to combat Pornography in the Public Space
  21. Adopt a Family Impact Analysis (like an environmental impact statement) for all new public policies and Programs
  22. Promote Pregnancy Resource Centres
  23. All Ambiguous terms must be clearly defined 
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