Monday, March 20, 2023

A Human Rights Approach to Defeat the Homosexual Agenda

Focus on Fundamental Freedoms

Our strongest positions and arguments are those rooted in the defense of our fundamental freedoms: speech, worship, association and conscience. These are not infallible arguments, because anti-family judges and other decision-makers are often so hostile to pro-family views that they are willing to override their own generally staunch support for these freedoms. However, these are the best arguments we have in the current cultural climate. And, frankly, if we ultimately lose these freedoms, the only options left to us will be capitulation or punishment.

what does it mean to focus on fundamental freedoms? It means couching our arguments in the same civil rights language that our opponents have used so effectively for decades. We become the advocates of freedom of speech, they become the advocates of censorship. We become the victims of discrimination, they become the discriminators.

Protect the Victims and the Vulnerable

If the homosexual agenda is ever defeated anywhere, it will likely be through the work and witness of two groups of its victims: recovered homosexuals and those who have been subjected to “gay” indoctrination as public-school children. This sort of social backlash has been seen once before in America: against the drug culture. Much of the country was persuaded in the 1960s to view mind-altering substances as relatively harmless, and the result was an explosion of drug use, and then an avalanche of social problems. What eventually turned the tide against the drug culture? It was the work and witness of former drug addicts. These victims of the drug culture were immune to all of the clever rhetoric and philosophies that had duped the nation and were zealous to protect others from being harmed as they had been. They knew the truth by their own experience, and the word of their testimony was far more powerful than the lies of the adversaries.

The pro-family movement would be well served to learn from this example and devote a substantial portion of its time and resources both to advancing and growing the ex-“gay” movement and to teaching the pro-family perspective to young people.

A pro-family organization called Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) has provided exemplary leadership in utilizing this approach. Their primary goal and ministry emphasis in recent years has been ending discrimination against ex-“gays.” PFOX uses all of the civil rights rhetoric and reasoning that the “gay” movement has employed over the past several decades, but to protect a group of people whom the “gays“ insist cannot exist: former homosexuals. The very existence of ex-“gays” demolishes the “gay” doctrine that homosexuality is innate and unchangeable  and gives real hope to all of the many homosexuals who secretly wish to be rid of their deviation. The PFOX pursuit of equal rights for ex-”gays” in the face of intense opposition and hostility by so-called “civil rights” activists and leaders, exposes the hypocrisy of these pro-“gay” bigots to the watching public.

Importantly, while exposing the truth might not be enough to change things in the short term, it has a powerful influence on both the victims of the “gay” agenda and on all of the fair-minded witnesses now watching in uncomfortable silence. As the number of former homosexuals and former public school “brainwashees” grows, there will come a time when the scale tips against the pro-“gay” bullies, and a culture-changing backlash will ensue.

Source: Redeeming The Rainbow

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