Monday, January 30, 2023

Homosexual Tactics: The Takeover Process (b)

 The homosexual aim is to take effective control of the seats of power and influence in the society. The key spheres of influence include mass media (news and entertainment), government, schools and colleges, businesses, churches and community organizations. Having a relatively small number of activists, and a large number of targets, the “gays” seek to maximize their influence by taking and holding key positions in each sphere.

 For example, in media, schools and business, the most important position to control is the one that decides who is hired. Since homosexuals can easily hide their “gay” identity, it is relatively easy, once the hiring position is in the hands of a “gay” activist, to hire mostly fellow “gays” as new positions become available. They will all stay “in the closet” until they have enough people to form a “gay” and lesbian employee association or similar pressure group, and then use their collective power to force policy changes within the organization.

 The takeover process usually involves a combination of pressure and propaganda, often involving forced “sensitivity training” to compel members of the organization to adopt the “gay” perspective on “sexual orientation,” “diversity,” and “tolerance.”

 Sensitivity training employs sophisticated psychological manipulation tactics to establish a common belief and behavioral system in a subject group. Those who resist indoctrination during such training are easily spotted and are eventually forced out of the organization if they do not change.

 In government, the key positions are not necessarily the elected political leaders, but the powerful assistants of decision-makers, for example, legislators’ aides or law clerks in the higher courts.

 In churches and community organizations, the goal is usually to gain a majority among the voting members. This has been easily accomplished in many small non-profit organizations and church congregations of the declining denominations of the US.

 Exploitation of community organizations often involves a public relations ploy called “bundling.” Bundling is the “gay” activists’ tactic of wrapping themselves in the cloak of civil rights by sponsoring coalitions of minorities and including themselves as a member minority. Having far greater financial resources than most of the legitimate minorities, they ensure their inclusion because they are the underwriters and organizers.  Their purpose, however, is to advance the idea that “sexual orientation” is a genuine basis for minority status by bundling it together with race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Importantly, the “gays” almost always place racial minorities as the figureheads of these coalitions to create the impression that their primary interest is the advancement of the legitimate minorities. 

 Most important to homosexual strategy in all of these tactics is to hold the key positions and then to directly or indirectly use the power of those positions to change the society, by marketing the homosexual message to the public while also attacking and marginalizing the pro-family leaders and organizations.

Source: Redeeming The Rainbow

Check out Part 1: Recruiting & Organizing Their Activists

Check out Part 2: Deploying Their Activists

Check out Part 3: The Takeover Process (a) 

Look out for Homo-Facism in the next blog

Monday, January 23, 2023

Homosexual Tactics: The Takeover Process (a)


A case of USA

This varies slightly depending on the type of organization, but is predictable and easily recognized.

The takeover of local governments begins in the local media (where there is never a shortage of “gay” political activists) with a campaign to raise awareness of discrimination against legitimate minorities.

A call then goes out to form a Human Rights Commission to study the “problem” and develop community based solutions. The commission is then formed with quasi-governmental authority. The anti-discrimination policy comes next, often without mention of sexual orientation. That is usually added by amendment later. Opposition is usually minimal because no one wants to be perceived as being in favor of discrimination.

The takeover of a corporation begins with the placement of an activist (usually in-the closet) homosexual in a hiring position. Other undisclosed “gays” are then hired to fill strategic positions in the company. When the ability to control the process is assured, some of the activists “come out of the closet” and form a “Gay and Lesbian Employees Association.” That group then introduces an amendment to the company anti-discrimination policy to include “sexual orientation.”

Democratically-run organizations (including political parties, labor unions and churches) are targeted based upon their vulnerability to takeover by a unified bloc of voting members. Mass infiltration by activists precedes elections, after which time organizational policy (and bylaws) can be controlled by the new activist leaders, who may or may not disclose that they are “gay.” I have heard it said that this was how the Metropolitan Community Church, an entirely homosexual controlled religious denomination started, beginning with the takeover of the original MCC, which was reportedly a genuine but struggling Christian church. The so-called mainstream Christian denominations have been particularly targeted, not only because many congregations have seen steeply declining membership in recent decades (so that fewer new “members” are needed to gain a voting majority), but because these denominations have vast property holdings and endowment funds which can be used for activist projects.

Every takeover is followed by consolidation of “gay” power within the organization, starting with some form of “sensitivity training.” Sensitivity training employs proven psychological coercion tactics (i.e. “brainwashing”) to indoctrinate members of the organization in pro-“gay” thinking.

By the very nature of the manipulative tactics used, few dare to openly dissent. Those who do are duly noted by the control group and if they are considered a real threat, they are marginalized and may in time be forced out. Sensitivity training is usually mandatory for all members of the organization.

All the processes described above are made possible simply by the acceptance of sexual orientation as a theory of human sexuality.

Source: Redeeming The Rainbow

Check out Part 1: Recruiting & Organizing Their Activists

Check out Part 2: Deploying Their Activists

Look out for The Takeover Process(b) in the next blog

Monday, January 16, 2023

Homosexual Tactics: Deploying Their Activists

The homosexual aim is to take effective control of the seats of power and influence in the society. The key spheres of influence include mass media (news and entertainment), government, schools and colleges, businesses, churches and community organizations.

Having a relatively small number of activists, and a large number of targets, the “gays” seek to maximize their influence by taking and holding key positions in each sphere. For example, in media, schools and business, the most important position to control is the one that decides who is hired. Since homosexuals can easily hide their “gay” identity, it is relatively easy, once the hiring position is in the hands of a “gay” activist, to hire mostly fellow “gays” as new positions become available. They will all stay “in the closet” until they have enough people to form a “gay” and lesbian employee association or similar pressure group, and then use their collective power to force policy changes within the organization.

The takeover process usually involves a combination of pressure and propaganda, often involving forced “sensitivity training” to compel members of the organization to adopt the “gay” perspective on “sexual orientation,” “diversity,” and “tolerance.” Sensitivity training employs sophisticated psychological manipulation tactics to establish a common belief and behavioral system in a subject group. Those who resist indoctrination during such training are easily spotted and are eventually forced out of the organization if they do not change.

In government, the key positions are not necessarily the elected political leaders, but the powerful assistants of decision-makers, for example, legislators’ aides or law clerks in the higher courts.
In churches and community organizations, the goal is usually to gain a majority among the voting members. This has been easily accomplished in many small non-profit organizations and church congregations of the declining denominations of the US.

Exploitation of community organizations often involves a public relations ploy I call “bundling.” Bundling is the “gay” activists’ tactic of wrapping themselves in the cloak of civil rights by sponsoring coalitions of minorities and including themselves as a member minority. Having far greater financial resources than most of the legitimate minorities, they ensure their inclusion because they are the underwriters and organizers.

Their purpose, however, is to advance the idea that “sexual orientation” is a genuine basis for minority status by bundling it together with race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Importantly, the “gays” almost always place racial minorities as the figureheads of these coalitions to create the impression that their primary interest is the advancement of the legitimate minorities. This is not a difficult proposition, since there are many homosexuals who are also racial minorities. The optimum scenario for the “gays” is a coalition headed by an in-the-closet “gay” of a minority race who can pretend neutrality when promoting a homosexual goal.

Most important to homosexual strategy in all of these tactics is to hold the key positions and then to directly or indirectly use the power of those positions to change the society, by marketing the homosexual message to the public while also attacking and marginalizing the pro-family leaders and organizations.

Look out for The Takeover Process in the next blog

Monday, January 9, 2023

Homosexual Tactics: Recruiting & Organizing Their Activists


Recruiting Their Activists

Homosexuals cast themselves as a united coalition of sexual minorities (GLBT “gay,” lesbian, bisexual, transgendered) who must band together against a common oppressor or be killed or harmed. The “oppressor” is the “homophobic” majority, which they separate in two groups: (1) hate-filled religious fanatics and other bigots, and (2) those who go along with “homophobic” attitudes out of ignorance (a group which includes children, which justifies their manipulation of public and private educational systems).

The reason for accusing opponents of hating them is first, to put the opponents on the defensive, second to create sympathy and gain allies among non-homosexuals (especially young people), and third to preserve their own political unity by perpetrating a climate of fear among their members.

Homosexual activist organizations seek to recruit all young people to be their allies by styling themselves as victims needing protection. They take advantage of the humanitarian idealism of teenagers and young adults who are too immature to recognize that they are being manipulated. 

Unpopular or troubled young people are particularly susceptible to this, since they find in the “gay” community a place where they finally feel welcome and loved. These are the very young people who most need a good church fellowship to give them loving support and healthy guidance, but instead they find a “place to belong” in a community built on self-delusion and perversion.

Once there, however, the third purpose of “gay” fear-mongering (member retention) works to keep them there. Getting out of the “gay” lifestyle is not so easy when you believe the whole world is divided into “us” vs. “them” and shun everyone who could help to guide you back to health and wholeness, believing them to be hate-filled bigots.

Organizing Their Activists

Homosexuals have created their own alternate “community,” which serves as a network of potential available sexual partners for everyone with “gay“, lesbian, bisexual or transgender inclinations or addictions. It offers alternative versions of all the amenities of the outside world (bars, social clubs, bowling leagues, cruises….even AA meetings!) so that members of the community can limit their interaction with outsiders.

It is also different from normal society in that it operates like one large political party.

Virtually all “gay” social events are first about sex and second about politics. To be active in the “gay community” is to be a political operative at some level.

Members of the “gay” community (especially men) want more than anything else to expand their universe of potential sexual partners, so naturally they are easily recruited into the grand scheme to “make the whole world gay” through social and political change.

The huge “Gay Pride” parades seen in major cities around the world are a good example.

Source: Redeeming The Rainbow

Look out for Deploying their Activists in the next Blog

Monday, January 2, 2023

The Case for Heterosexuality

Social science research has conclusively proven that a strong family, based on marriage between a man and a woman, is the best environment for protecting, nourishing and developing individuals—this family structure provides significantly better outcomes than any other alternative.

There are specific social benefits called “social goods,” which flow from man/woman marriage. These social goods are derived from the complementary physical, emotional, and spiritual union of a male and a female.

The institution of man/woman marriage:

• Channels sexual relations in a manner that provides the greatest benefit to individuals and society.

• Helps men live more responsibly and productively.

• Transforms men into husbands/fathers and women into wives/mothers.

• Binds potential parents together to raise the biological children they create.

• Legally binds fathers to their biological children. (Mothers are always present at birth, but not so with fathers.)

• Provides the optimal environment in which to raise children.

• Generates the best outcomes in the areas of health, wealth and overall happiness for men, women and children.

Research findings illustrate that the “social goods” derived from man/woman marriage begin to disappear when individuals live outside of the married man/woman family structure. Studies show that any deviation from man/woman marriage generally results in serious negative outcomes for individuals and families. The evidence supporting this is remarkably consistent and compelling.

Outcomes According to Family Structure:

When compared to heterosexual men, men who engage in homosexual behavior:

• experience a significantly higher rate of domestic violence with their partners.

• are up to seven times more likely to attempt suicide.

• have a lower life expectancy by 20 to 30 years.

• have an incidence of HIV/AIDS that is up to 430 times higher.

• have three times the number of drug and alcohol dependencies.

• are significantly more promiscuous, with very few maintaining fidelity.

• are more than twice as likely to have an STD.

• are significantly more likely to engage in pedophilia.

• are much more likely to have mental and emotional disorders/illnesses.

• are at higher risk of deliberate self-harm.

When compared to heterosexual youth, youth who engage in homosexual behavior:

• are at increased risk of suffering major depression and generalized anxiety disorder.

• are associated with more school and runaway problems.

• are more likely to attempt suicide.

• experience a much higher rate of alcoholism.

• are more likely to engage in substance abuse.

• are more likely to engage in high-risk sexual behavior.

When compared to heterosexual women, lesbian women:

• are significantly more likely to be victims of domestic violence.

• experience a much higher rate of sexual coercion by their partner.

• are more likely to use drugs and alcohol.

• have a significantly higher risk of developing general anxiety disorder.

• are twice as likely to attempt suicide.

• are at higher risk for breast cancer.

• are at higher risk of deliberate self-harm.

Source: Stand For The Family