The homosexual’s tactic of neutralizing the church is through:
A) Divide and conquer. Forming “gay” Christian movements, then seeking to mainstream itself within the larger Christian community
B) Directly compete for moral authority. Packaging of twisted rationalizations called 'gay' theology, invented for the purpose of challenging the moral and doctrinal authority of the Bible-believing church, the two persistent central arguments of “gay theology” are 1) that most scriptural passages addressing homosexuality have been misinterpreted to condemn behavior that is not condemned by God, and 2) that the few actual proscriptions against homosexuality were merely elements of the Old Testament Jewish ritual cleansing and purity laws that are no longer in effect
C) Infiltrate and sabotage. A final area of focus is the infiltration of the Bible-believing church by militant activists, who join instruments team, choirs, teach classes, fill the pews, become pastors, priests, deacons, trustees, Sunday School teachers et.c. The tactics of church infiltrators are more subtle, but no less desperate.
Christians, especially pastors, must awake to the reality of “gay” politics and its implications for the church.
1. The “gay” agenda is real. It is an evolving set of political objectives whose ultimate goal is the supremacy of homosexuality and related sexual lifestyles in our society and culture. Sexual orientation policies, domestic partnerships, hate crime laws, “gay” marriage, “gay” adoption, “gay” theology are only steps toward a future homosexual-dominated social order.
2. ‘‘Gay’’ activists define their personal identity by their homosexual actions and desires, which causes them to believe that advancing the “gay” agenda is a fight for their very lives.
3. The “gays’” emotional urgency about their
agenda, combined with the sense (fostered by their own propaganda) of being
victims of severe injustice, allows them to justify virtually any political tactic
against those whom they perceive as their enemies and oppressors.
4. The most hated enemy of the “gay” movement is the Bible-believing Christian church, because the Christian commitment to preserving God’s design for the family, and to opposing sexual sin, stands as the final barrier to the legitimization of homosexuality.
5. Over the past 60 years in the United States the “gay” movement has achieved most of its political objectives and has now set its sights on the church – the only major social institution that still stands in its path to power.
6. “Peaceful coexistence” between the church and
“gay” activists is not possible, since their respective logical presuppositions
about sexual morality in society are contradictory and mutually-exclusive. The
cultural influence of one side must prevail; that of the other must diminish.
7. Failure of Bible-believing Christians to actively oppose the legitimization of homosexuality in the church and to actively compete for influence in the larger society will result in the defeat and plunder of the church by militant “gays.” Students of history will recognize that the warning is not mere hyperbole. The church has suffered defeat and plunder in the past, most recently under the Nazis. (Not coincidentally, the Nazi political machine was dominated by homosexuals, a little-known fact that is well documented in the book, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party)
The appropriate response to the homosexual seduction of the church is simply for genuine Christians to speak the truth in love, in the pulpit and the public square. We must not shrink from declaring open, unrepentant homosexuals to be non-Christians, despite the fact that we will be called “haters.” We must assert and defend the Christian presupposition that God’s natural order for mankind is heterosexual, monogamous marriage.
Optimally, the message of the church to homosexuals should be one of hope and healing through the love of Christ, manifested through the lives and ministry of church members.
Source: Redeeming The Rainbow
Check out Part 1: Recruiting & Organizing Their Activists
Check out Part 2: Deploying Their Activists
Check out Part 3: The Takeover Process (a)
Check out Part 3: The Takeover Process (b)
Check out Part 4 : Homo-Facism
Look out for The Homosexual Frenzy: All of us can do something in the next blog
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