Monday, February 27, 2023

But Who is behind the Homosexual Frenzy?

 It is critical to differentiate between homosexual activists who are trying to force their lifestyle on others and homosexuals who are not trying to force their lifestyle on anyone. 

Homosexuals are people who experience same-sex attraction and who may or may not act on that attraction. Not all homosexuals, including some of those who choose to engage in homosexual sex, support the homosexual agenda. 

Some homosexuals who act on their same-sex attraction openly and honestly admit that their lifestyle is not healthy, but they choose it anyway. Others have sought therapy and have successfully reoriented to heterosexuality, and some are even working to protect traditional marriage and the family. 

In contrast, homosexual activists are people who are pushing an agenda to change our society by changing our laws and values. They are literally seeking to destroy the traditional family. Homosexual activists promote the homosexual agenda, which is a calculated, well-planned, well-organized and well-financed effort to mainstream homosexuality into our society by redefining marriage and family and indoctrinating our children about the homosexual lifestyle. 

We can genuinely care about homosexuals and value them as individuals and still oppose the “homosexual agenda” which is not only harmful to society, but which is also harmful to homosexuals 

The homosexual activists are the ones who are not content simply to “live and let live.” They are the ones who are deliberately and aggressively attempting to destroy all of society’s sexual norms and the essential social institutions—such as marriage and the family—which uphold them.

Ten Key Anti-Family Strategies Used by Sexual Rights Activists

If you watch the anti-family activists systematically implement their agenda at the international, national and local level, an obvious pattern emerges. Their strategies and tactics are very predictable. By understanding these  strategies, you will be better able to identify and counteract them.

1️ The Desensitization Strategye.g, the increase in public “Gay Pride” events in countries across the world and in people “coming out of the closet” to announce their homosexuality. Those promoting abortion have even gone so far as to wear T-shirts proclaiming “I had an abortion.” And prostitutes have organized themselves into political groups as “sex workers” to publicly promote their “work” as a legitimate profession.

The liberal media constantly use this strategy, regularly projecting sexually explicit images into our lives and gradually increasing their intensity, until many of us aren’t even aware of how far our own views have been changed

2️ Bypass the People StrategyAccording to the Bypass the People Strategy, if you can’t get your agenda passed by a legislature or by a vote of the people, use the courts. In bypassing the legislature or the vote of the people and taking your cause straight to the courts, you can save time and money. It’s much easier to convince a few judges to mandate your agenda.

Activists used this strategy to legalize abortion in the United States with the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. They succeeded even though the Constitution nowhere mentions abortion as a fundamental right, most states at the time had laws against abortion, and polls showed that the majority of Americans were against legalizing abortion. This strategy also was used by homosexual activists to legalize same-sex marriage by judicial mandate in Massachusetts, Connecticut, California and Iowa.

Another way to apply the Bypass the People Strategy is to get policies adopted in UN documents and then use the UN to pressure countries to change their laws.

3️ I’ll-Make-it-Mean-What-I-Want Strategy. If you can’t get what you want by popular vote, passing a law, finding a sympathetic judge, or by getting it included in a treaty or other UN document, you can always fill the entity implementing or enforcing relevant laws and regulations with your people. Then you can interpret a law to mean anything you want.

4️ Tsunami Strategy. Using the Tsunami Strategy, introduce a plethora of bills or proposals in a variety of venues so your opponents find it difficult, if not impossible, to keep track of and stop all of them. This happens at the UN, in Congress, and in state legislatures where anti-family provisions are often tacked onto a number of unrelated bills, resolutions or documents. Anti-family forces figure that if they introduce an idea enough times in enough variations, and in enough different venues, they eventually will win. And they often do. Activists using this strategy successfully passed a number of pro-homosexual bills in California.

5️ Name Calling and Discrediting StrategyIf you cannot defeat the message, attack the messenger. Call your opponents politically toxic names or otherwise discredit them. For example, label anyone who supports a moral issue an “extremist,” a “right wing radical,” or a “religious fundamentalist.” Brand anyone who believes that homosexual behavior is unhealthy or not good for society as “hateful,” “intolerant,” “homophobic,” “bigot” or a “Nazi.” Use “anti-choice” to label those who believe that taking the life of an unborn child is wrong. Finally, characterize opposing views or positions as “hate speech” or “unchristian.”

6️ Victim StrategyExisting laws in the United States already protect every individual (regardless of sexual orientation) from harassment and violence. Schools also have policies that protect students from being singled out and harassed.

Nevertheless, claims of persecution of homosexual students in schools are used to justify mandatory “tolerance” and “diversity” programs that teach open acceptance of and respect for homosexual behavior.

7️ Incremental StrategyE.g Legalizing sodomy set the stage for the adoption of a slew of other laws and policies that incrementally advanced the sexual rights agenda to the point that all California schools are required to promote homosexuality. The California legislature has passed a bill making it illegal for a therapist to treat a child with unwanted same sex attraction if the therapy is aimed at helping the child reorient to a heterosexual orientation

8️ Emotion StrategyIf you can’t win on the merits, strike an emotional chord, start crying or tell a sad story, and compassion will take over. This Emotion Strategy was used effectively at the UN during an HIV/AIDS conference in 2006, when, for the first time, an HIV-positive person was invited to speak to the entire UN General Assembly. The woman shared a heart-wrenching story about how she had been abused and infected with AIDS by a man and the tragic consequences she had experienced. She ended her speech demanding abortion rights for women and sexual rights for homosexuals. She received a standing ovation because she got everyone emotionally involved with her story—even though her experience had nothing to do with abortion or homosexuality.

9️ Call it a “Human Right” StrategyAt the UN, once something is labeled a human right it is considered sacred. The UN Human Rights Council monitors human rights abuses around the world. So part of the anti-family agenda is to get the UN Human Rights Committee to consider anything related to their agenda to be a “fundamental human right.” Then the Committee can help force that “right” upon the world even if it’s not specifically spelled out in a treaty.

🔟 Useful Euphemism StrategyIf the majority would object to your agenda, re-label it with respectable nice-sounding words or phrases. For example, call abortion a “choice” and pedophilia “intergenerational sex.” Pressure people into accepting your agenda in the name of “equality,” “tolerance,” “diversity,” “freedom” or “nondiscrimination.” This is one of the most common strategies, and thus it is important to understand.

Source:  Stand for the Family: The Family Defense Handbook by Sharon Slater

See also: The Case for Heterosexuality and Are Homosexuals Being Persecuted in Uganda?

Monday, February 20, 2023

The Homosexual Frenzy: All of us can do something

What began as LG grew to LGBT and has now expanded to LGBTQIAP:

L—Lesbian—A female-identified person who is attracted to another female-identified person.

G—Gay—A male-identified person who is attracted to another male identified person.

B—Bisexual—A person who is attracted to both men and women.

T—Transgender—Persons who are members of a gender other than what their sexual anatomy would suggest; or Transsexual—People who have undergone surgery or hormone therapy to change their bodies from one sex to another; or Transvestites—those who dress and act like people of the opposite sex.

Q—Queer—A broad term used to identify people of various sexual preferences and habits; or Questioning—People who are questioning their sexual identities.

I—Intersex—Someone whose physical anatomy cannot be categorized as only male or female.

A—Asexual—A person who is not sexually attracted to anyone; or Ally—A person who does not self-identify as LGBTQIAP but who supports people who do.

P—Pansexual—So-called “gender blind,” those who are attracted to people of all sexual and gender identities. “Male and female he created them” has become passé. Now, gender is boundless.

People with a proclivity to be trans anything, however, are not our enemies. They need to be loved. We must reach out to them, show compassion, and practice empathy for their struggle. We need to simultaneously love the individual and reject the ideology and the policies derived from that ideology as untrue, unloving, and damaging to society.

The first step is to lovingly decline to defer to false terminology. We must resist postmodern language or lose the battle. We must stop sacrificing truth on the altar of being nice, of seeking to be liked. Of course, every encounter by the Christ-follower should be marked with grace and love. And it is not loving to foster a lie, to agree to anyone’s concept of gender fluidity, or to cater to the demands of illegitimate language and fabricated personal pronouns.

Therefore, we must:

• Avoid using the word “marriage” (one man and one woman for life) to describe the relationship of a same-sex couple. Use “civil union” or “legal union.”

• Politely and respectfully refuse to call a biological male a female, and vice versa.

We should speak the truth in love—and in the process, pursue clarity, not compromise.

If we desire that our neighbors, friends, children, and grandchildren truly flourish, then we must challenge postmodern culture and repent of our previous apathy. And all of us can do something:

• Some will help speak and write to reform the language and culture.

• Some will write songs and ballads to restore the dignity of marriage, the family, the maternal, the beauty of human sexuality, and the tying of our sexual intimacy to family formation.

• Some will preach and teach on the glory of our purpose and design and the biblical narrative on family and human sexuality.

• Some will lead protests in the public square to draw public attention to the madness we are facing.

• Some will draw lines in the sand and say, “No further. I am willing to pay the consequences for violating laws that legalize this non-sense and undermine our God-given freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.”

• Many will take seriously the cultural mandate to “be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth”—to marry, form families, enjoy the God-given gift of our human sexuality, and rejoice in the children who are the fruit of that intimacy.

• Some will set up an Institutionalized Support System for Former Homosexuals offering Rehabilitation; Medical, since most of them are usually dumped after being infected with killer diseases; Livelihood Initiatives, since most would have left the free huge homosexual monies, so they need alternative livelihood; Legal Services; Refuge & Safe Custody, since most are being tracked and need safe refuge from the security threats. I believe if we can solve those mishaps, many minors trapped in homosexual shelters will surely come out since they will be assured of a pro-Family Support system.

•  Some will set up an Legal Support System/mechanism[1] of supporting and shielding the Pro-Family Frontliners from Legal Battles by setting up a Standby Team of Lawyers ready to engage in Litigation and a Financing Mechanism to cater for the Legal and related Costs.

• Some will, as a Church (Elijah Revolution) reclaim, Occupy and disciple the Spheres of Influence e.g Media, Government, Business, Education, Family et.c

What Will You Do?

[1] It is a common practice of the Anti-Family Sexual Rights activists to maliciously drag Pro-family frontliners in a bid to silence their voices.  It is also a common practice of the Anti-Family Sexual Rights activists to gang up support to defend their peers who are sued in the courts of Law. Whereas the Anti-Family Sexual Rights activists, in a concerted effort defend their members and perpetrators, the Pro-family members are left to fend alone through the legal battles with no support from the Pro-Family Coalition.

Source: A TOXIC NEW RELIGION: Understanding the Postmodern, Neo-Marxist Faith that Seeks to Destroy the Judeo-Christian Culture of the West

  Check out Part 1: Recruiting & Organizing Their Activists

Check out Part 2: Deploying Their Activists

Check out Part 3: The Takeover Process (a) 

Check out Part 3: The Takeover Process (b) 

Check out Part 4 : Homo-Facism

Look out for But Who is behind All the Homosexual Frenzy?  in the next blog

Monday, February 13, 2023

Responding Appropriately to the Homosexual War Against the Church


The homosexual’s tactic of neutralizing the church is through:

A)     Divide and conquer. Forming “gay” Christian movements, then seeking to mainstream itself within the larger Christian community

B)   Directly compete for moral authority. Packaging of twisted rationalizations called 'gay' theology, invented for the purpose of challenging the moral and doctrinal authority of the Bible-believing church, the two persistent central arguments of “gay theology” are 1) that most scriptural passages addressing homosexuality have been misinterpreted to condemn behavior that is not condemned by God, and 2) that the few actual proscriptions against homosexuality were merely elements of the Old Testament Jewish ritual cleansing and purity laws that are no longer in effect

C)  Infiltrate and sabotage. A final area of focus is the infiltration of the Bible-believing church by militant activists, who join instruments team, choirs, teach classes, fill the pews, become pastors, priests, deacons, trustees, Sunday School teachers et.c. The tactics of church infiltrators are more subtle, but no less desperate.  

Christians, especially pastors, must awake to the reality of “gay” politics and its implications for the church.

1. The “gay” agenda is real. It is an evolving set of political objectives whose ultimate goal is the supremacy of homosexuality and related sexual lifestyles in our society and culture. Sexual orientation policies, domestic partnerships, hate crime laws, “gay” marriage, “gay” adoption, “gay” theology are only steps toward a future homosexual-dominated social order.

2. ‘‘Gay’’ activists define their personal identity by their homosexual actions and desires, which causes them to believe that advancing the “gay” agenda is a fight for their very lives.

3. The “gays’” emotional urgency about their agenda, combined with the sense (fostered by their own propaganda) of being victims of severe injustice, allows them to justify virtually any political tactic against those whom they perceive as their enemies and oppressors.

4. The most hated enemy of the “gay” movement is the Bible-believing Christian church, because the Christian commitment to preserving God’s design for the family, and to opposing sexual sin, stands as the final barrier to the legitimization of homosexuality.

5. Over the past 60 years in the United States the “gay” movement has achieved most of its political objectives and has now set its sights on the church – the only major social institution that still stands in its path to power.

6. “Peaceful coexistence” between the church and “gay” activists is not possible, since their respective logical presuppositions about sexual morality in society are contradictory and mutually-exclusive. The cultural influence of one side must prevail; that of the other must diminish.

7. Failure of Bible-believing Christians to actively oppose the legitimization of homosexuality in the church and to actively compete for influence in the larger society will result in the defeat and plunder of the church by militant “gays.” Students of history will recognize that the warning is not mere hyperbole. The church has suffered defeat and plunder in the past, most recently under the Nazis. (Not coincidentally, the Nazi political machine was dominated by homosexuals, a little-known fact that is well documented in the book, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party)

The appropriate response to the homosexual seduction of the church is simply for genuine Christians to speak the truth in love, in the pulpit and the public square. We must not shrink from declaring open, unrepentant homosexuals to be non-Christians, despite the fact that we will be called “haters.” We must assert and defend the Christian presupposition that God’s natural order for mankind is heterosexual, monogamous marriage.

Optimally, the message of the church to homosexuals should be one of hope and healing through the love of Christ, manifested through the lives and ministry of church members.

Source: Redeeming The Rainbow

Check out Part 1: Recruiting & Organizing Their Activists

Check out Part 2: Deploying Their Activists

Check out Part 3: The Takeover Process (a) 

Check out Part 3: The Takeover Process (b) 

Check out Part 4 : Homo-Facism

Look out for The Homosexual Frenzy: All of us can do something in the next blog

Monday, February 6, 2023

Homosexual Tactics: Homo-Fascism


When the Homosexual Movement Achieves Power

In a few countries and cities in the world, the goal of the “gay” movement has advanced beyond favored status to supremacy. Of course, homosexual activists in these places don’t use the terms “favored status” or “supremacy,” but continue to pretend their goal is “tolerance” or “acceptance.” Supremacy is the stage in which “gay” activists and their allies take effective control of most or all of the centers of power of a government or other organization. Wherever they have achieved this level of control they use their power to suppress and/or punish those who openly disapprove of the “gay” lifestyle or agenda. Pro-family activists have coined the term “homo-fascism” to describe this. One of the first to use the term is Pastor Ralph Ovadal of Wisconsin, who defines the term as follows:

Fascism is a political system whereby all opposition to and dissent from the government is disallowed and crushed. Fascism is a philosophy which tolerates no deviation from an established norm, that being the dictates of a powerful elite. Fascism is opposed to the eternal, unchanging, objective law of God and is based on the subjective desires and goals of those who have the power to crush their opposition. In many Western nations, a form of fascism has taken root and presents a clear, present, and growing danger to Christian liberty and the Church of Jesus Christ. This force for evil may justly be referred to as “homo-fascism” due to the fact that those espousing and driving it have as their goal to demonize, marginalize, and silence any criticism of or opposition to homosexual acts and the sodomite agenda. Already Christians in many countries are being arrested for preaching what the Bible teaches concerning homosexual acts. The machinery of tyranny is being put into place (“The Looming Specter of Homo-Fascism,” message given at Wisconsin Christians United's International Conference on Homo-Fascism, 10/10/2003,

Some Examples of Homo-Fascism:

  1. U.S. House to Vote on Bill Which May Restrict Religious Leaders From Entering Country If They Uphold Biblical Views on Sexuality
  2. U.S. House Prepares to Penalize Foreign Opponents of LGBT Agenda
  3. U.S. House Democrats Adopt Bill to Prosecute Foreign Opponents of LGBT Agenda
  4. New UN Treaty Would Make ‘Homophobia’ a Crime Against Humanity
  5. Pastor Martin Ssempa sued at the ICC and US Federal Court

Source: Redeeming The Rainbow